Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Paper based
- Examples
- Tests/Exams because when
you do one you have to write
- Passport and Visa's for
when you are traveling
or entering a country
- Advantage
- It can be edited
by anyone and
any age
- Doesn't need
a whole team
of people to
work on it
- Disadvantage
- Not water proof
so it can be
easily damaged
- Computer based
- Examples
- Google because you
when you search for a
website it looks
through a database of
websites and their
- Disadvantage
- Your database can be
leaked/hacked easier
than on paper.
- Could be damaged
in a flood or a
natural disaster
- Advantage
- It can be automated
and it can add
information without
needing someone to
write it down or put it
in maualy
- Both based
- Advantages
- Disadvantage
- Examples
- Argos catalog
because you can get
the book/paper based
version or the app
which will used a
computer based
- Your calander because you
can have it hanging on
your wall in the paper
version or you can have an
app on your phone
- School register
because a teacher will
right down attendence
on a paper then it will
be registered into a
- A persistent and organised
store of data
- Keywords
- Ascending - going up in order
- Dscending - Going down in order