Underlying Economic Problems contributed to the Wall Street Crash


Mindmap von izzykersley01, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von izzykersley01 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Underlying Economic Problems contributed to the Wall Street Crash
  1. Wealth was distributed unequally
    1. Rising profits were not passed on to workers, so some people were too poor to spend and so there was less demand than production
    2. Overproduction
      1. After too much had been produced companies started to lay off staff, leading to unemployment
        1. More was being made than needed
        2. Banks were largely unregulated
          1. Expensive loans
            1. People had been borrowing money in the 'boom' time to buy shares, but loans couldn't be repaid after the crash
            2. Bad market for American goods
              1. Barriers to trade (like tariffs)
                1. European countries had suffered after the war
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