Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Struggle For Power
- Lenin's Legacy
- Bolsheviks' Problems
- The Socialist Revolutionary Party
were much bigger and more
popular than the Bolsheviks.
- Most of the Bolsheviks' support
came from the working class, which
made up a small percentage of the
population at the time.
- The Bolsheviks' domestic and
foreign enemies tried to overthrow
them in the Civil War.
- Lenin's Testament
- Lenin recommended the
Bolsheviks replace Stalin as
soon as possible.
- He said Trotsky was the most
capable man amongst the
main figures.
- He said Kamenev's and
Zinoviev's failure to support the
armed uprising in Oct 1917.
- He praised Bukharin for his intellect and
popularity. He said his ideas weren't truly
Marxist, which jeopardised the revulution.
- Future of the USSR
- No one knew how the new socialist
state was going to survive.
- No one knew how the country's
economy was going to be organised.
- No one knew who would replace Lenin
as leader of the communist party.
- Candidates to Succeed Lenin
- Lev Kaminev
- Strengths
- He let the Moscow Soviet
and developed a secure
power base in the city.
- He was
- Weaknesses
- He often disagreed with Lenin on many aspects. This
was important because loyalty to Lenin was
increasingly important after his death.
- He was one of two members to vote
against an armed uprising in October
- Gregory Zinoviev
- Strengths
- He was appointed head of
the Petrograd Soviet in 1918
- He was a close
associate of Lenin.
- Weaknesses
- He had voted against the armed
uprising in Oct 1917.
- He was very ambitious
and made many enemies.
- Nikolai Bukharin
- Strengths
- After the Oct Rev, Bukharin
was appointed editor of the
newspaper Pravda.
- Lenin once called him the
"darling of the party"
- He was very popular as his
introduction to communism
has sold many copies.
- Weaknesses
- He has headed up the first
communist opposition group,
the Left Communists, who
criticised Lenin's decision to
make peace with Germany in
- He wasn't a very shrewd
or skilful politician.
- Leon Trotsky
- He became revolutionary as
a teenager but started out as
a Menshevik. He joined the
Bolsheviks in 1917.
- Leadership
- He was made Commissar
for Foreign Affairs after the
October Revolution.
- He led negotiations with
Germany and agreed to
the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
in March 1918.
- Trotsky earned some popularity for
negotiating peace with Germany but he
was also strongly criticised for losing
vast areas of the western part of the
former Russian Empire to Germany.
- When the Civil War broke out, Trotsky
became Commissar for War - he was
responsible for the new Red Army, which
he made into an effective fighting force.
- During the war, Trotsky travelled
across Russia in his armoured train to
visit the soldiers on the front line. He
gave inspirational speeches to the
troops to keep up their morale.
- Support Issues
- The Peasants
- The didn't support him because
he organised the grain requisition
squads during the Civil War.
- The squads used force to
requisition the grain.
- The Proletariat
- His intelligence didn't
impress them.
- They favoured Stalin
because he was modest and
had a humble background.
- The Red Army
- They were Trotsky's
main support.
- He had created the Red Army and led it to victory
so he was very popular with the officers and soldiers.
- The Communist Party
- Trotsky only joined the
Bolsheviks in 1917.
People believed he
wasn't devoted to the
party because of his
- He was popular
with young, radical
- He never tried to
gain supporters.
- They feared he
would use his
popularity with the
Red Army.
- Joseph Stalin
- He had played a minor role in the
October Revolution, but his Georgian
origins helped to become the
Commissar for Nationalities in 1917.
- Stalin used his position to
increase his personal
power and influence.
- He has complete control
over the inner workings of
the Communist Party.
- He used his position to promote
his supporters and remove or
sideline his opponents.
- He had access to secret
files on party members
that he received from the
- He used the Lenin Enrolment
to create a large group of
supporters in the party.
- He could relate to the peasants as he
had risen from very humble origins.
- He promoted the Cult of Lenin.
- Stalin made a speech portraying Lenin
as a god-like figure and himself as
Lenin's natural successor. In this
speech, he promised to preserve
Lenin's legacy.
- USSR's Future
- Main Features
- Small, privately owned industry
and private trading were
- Heavy industry, transport
and banks remained
under state control.
- Grain requisitioning was
replaced with a small tax.
- Peasants were allowed to sell their
surplus food for a profit.
- Bukharin
- He felt the NEP should continue for a
while because it was providing food for
the cities and work for the proletariat.
- He told the peasants to enrich themselves
and buy goods to promote the industry.
- He believed there should be a
smychka (alliance) between the
peasants and workers.
- Trotsky
- He resented the fact that
the USSR's industry
wasn't under the direct
control of the government
because of the NEP.
- He hated the Nepmen who
made large profits for the NEP.
- He felt that communism hadn't truly
spread to the countryside, and he
wanted to end the inequality between
poor peasants and the kulaks.
- He wanted to abolish
private farms and introduce
collective farming.
- Trotsky vs. Stalin
- Protecting Communism
- Stalin's Victory
- The Triumvirate
- The Duumvirate
- The Second Duumvirate
- Stalin vs. Right
- Stalin Won