Zusammenfassung der Ressource
moderate phase 1885-1905
- forms of struggle
- carried propaganda through
press (journals -->)
- double pronged srategy
- gather public opinion
- with this opinion pressue govt
- political medicants
- believed in evotionary and non-violent methods
- three p's strategy
- prayer
- protest(constitutional)
- petitions
- important leaders
- Dadabai Naroji
- voice of india
- gopal krishna
- suthark
- surendranad
- bengalee
- rash Bihari Bose
- Pheroshah metha
- bombay chronicle
- objectives
- dominan staus ; great involvement of native people in adminstation
- expansion of legislature and inclusion of more indians through liberal constitutional
- proper repersentation of indians in both public service as well as in political service
- promotion of western education (tec & professional)
- 3 mediacal colleages: madras,bombay and calcutta
- 1st engg collage in india at roorkee 1847
- pura agriculture collage Bihar
- modern industries to be promoted and protection of
indian industries
- limitation
- no faith in mass capacity
- no single within 20 yers
- total faith in british, they want british rule to be continued
- defective methodology adopted
- narrow social base (cogress is microsopic minority org- dufferin)
- contribution
- greatest critics of economic poliicies
- drain theory : D Naoroji
- Rande and dutta : drain of weath 1/3 of NI
- seed time of indian nationalism: early nationalist
sowed the seed well and deep-- bipanchandra
- political awarness promoted & westen political ideals
- parliamentary system
- liberty,
- democracy
- equality
- fundamental rights
- stregthening of congress party