Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Topic 10 - The Criminal Justice System: prevention, policing and
- Situational Crime Prevention (Clarke and
- Examples of SCP; cctv, security guards, metal
detectors, neighbourhood watch schemes, re
designing housing
- Clarke and Felson argue that if society is to
limit crime, it is more effective to make the
'costs' of committing crimes higher
- Approach to crime which ignores the motivation for
offending and instead concentrates in making it more
difficult to commit crime
- A pre-emptive approach that relies on
reducing opportunities for cime
- For theft - target hardening, make it more difficult to steal e.g. buying locks or
having neighbourhood watch schemes
- For violence - by limiting the opportunities
such as having plastic gasses at pubs at
night or having security guards.
- Criticisms of Situation Crime Prevention (Clarke
and Felson)
- It may lower types of minor crime but is
irrelevant for crimes of the powerful e.g. white
collar crime which is more costly to society
- Often just displaces
crime to another area
- Does not solves the causes of crime in an
- Fails to explain why people
would commit crime in the first
- Marxists note that CSP creates a new type of social
inequality; the poor will be the main victims of crime because
the middle class can afford to invest in making themselves
harder targets and take crime out of their lives
- Crime Reduction
- This approach argues that alongside crime
prevention measures 2 other actions must also
happen ...
- Intervention - important to identify groups most at risk
of committing crime and put actions in to limit offending
- Community - important to involve local community in
combating crime
- Intervention
- Farrington and West in there positivistic
longitdudinal study of the backgrounds of
young males who offended with those
males without any police records
- They found clear differences between the 2 groups,
some of the main 'risk factors' which were linked with
early offending ...
- Risk factors - family and social factors
which statistically most likely to predict
future offending
- Intervening with these 'risk factors'
would lead to lower crime
- Low income, poor housing, bad neighbourhoods, low
school attainment, poor parental supervision, harsh
discipline, single parent families
- Community
- Community approaches to crime reduction have
been heavily influenced by Wilson's, Broken
Window Theory; the idea that if less serious crimes
are allows, more serious ones are likely to occur
- E.g. vandalism, graffiti, drugs, littering, all
create a sense of 'everything goes'
- Willson uses the idea of broken windows; if
signs of disorder such as a few broken windows
are left unrepaired or graffiti not removed, it
encourages further deviance
- Failure to deal with these problems sends
out a clear message to criminals and
deviants that no one acres, encouraging
more of the same
- Governments should find ways of
strenghening local communities to fight
crime and anti social behaviour
- Should adopt a 'zero tolerance' approach adopted in New York to tackle
graffiti, drug dealing and fare dodging, over a period of several years
these crimes decline dramatically
- Preventitive method of stopping
crime from happening
- Theoretical Perspectives to
Crime Reduction
- Functionalists see the criminal
justice system as operating to look
after the interests of society as a
whole and without it society would
drop to anomie
- Marxists argue that criminal
justice system operates to
benefit the ruling class, law and
police are both agents of ruling
- Actuarialism
- Modern governments look for risk factors and
then focus on the group identified as most likely
to commit crime
- Studies of actuarialism have shown that the criminal
justice system no longer operate on the basis of
catching offenders in order to punch and rehabilitate
- In contemporary society the stress of social control has changed
from controlling deviants behaviour to controlling potentially
deviant people
- This is reinforced by the high number of
policing patrolling working class areas with
ethnic minorities as they are potential
troublemakers and are characterized by some
risk factors
- The Relationship of the Police to
- There are 2 main approaches in
understanding the relationship of the
police to society
- Consensual Approach
- Conflict Approach
- Consensual Approach
- Police have a close relationship with the local
areas, works with people in the community,
officers reflect the characteristics of the
- Individual offenders are caught as a result of
complaints from community
- Police may be more lieniant, may
be unlikely to enforce laws, officers
may have close relationship with
individuals in society
- Could be some problems with this
- Conflict Approach
- Police are best seen imposing their force upon
working class and ethnic minority communities
- Police impose law and order that reflect
the interests of more powerful groups
- Marxist approach
- This approach of policing is more dominant and also
more fair, as rules enforced for everyone
- Laws may be too rigid in some
cases, situations may not be fully
- Police Discretion of the Law
- Police Discretion - fact that the
police have to use their own
judgement about when to use the
force of the law
- There are 3 ways of
explaining police discretion -
Individualistic, Cultural and
- Individualistic - particular police officers have their own
discretion, specific concerns and interests and applied it to the
law accordingly, one study notes that racist police officers
were a lot harsher to ethnic minorities
- Cultural - Police officers are overwhelmingly white and male ,
they work long hours in each others company and are largely
isolated from the public, due to this they develop their own
culture, know an the 'canteen culture'
- Studies have shown 4 main
components of this police
subculture ...
- As part of police training they are taught to
discriminate between 'decent' and deviant people, this
involves labelling young males and ethnic minorities
as potential troublemakers
- Police officers spend large amount of time
with their peers, isolated from the public, they
also rely on each other for support
- Police officers must abide by the law, those
who join police force rarely have political
attitudes, this generates conservative values
- Most police officers are male and working class, culture of
police officers very much reflects working class values of
heavy drinking, hetrosexuality, racial stereotyping is
empahsized and part of role of police officer
- Structural - this is a marxist view, who say the definition of
the law is biasedin favour of the powerful , police officers
definition of crime derives from their role as agent of control
in capitalist society
- The Courts
- Once a person has been caught by the police, the decision to press charges
will be made by crown presection service aand person will be taken to court
- Less serious offences are judged in te magistrates courts and
serious crimes in the crown courts
- Magistrates Courts
- Studies of magistrates courts have shown that
the vast majority of senior judges are male, white
and educated at either Oxford or Cambridge
- Less than 5% of judges were from ethnic
- Critics have argued that these judges are drawn from such a
narrow band of social backgrounds they are unable to
understand the situation of those they are judging
- Trends in Sentencing
- Males in prisons to female ratio in prison is 20:1
- It is very difficult to prove which form of
punishment is more effective in stopping
- Approximately 50% of those
punished (community and custodial)
will re-offend
- Punishment
- One measure that most people believe is
effective in preventing and reducing crime
is punishment, especially prison, which
they believe can reduce crime in a number
of ways ...
- Deterrence - right realists say that prison
work as prison deters many potential
offenders away from crime, so increases
costs of crime
- Incapacitation - use of punishment to
remove the offenders capacity to offend
again e.g. cutting off their hands
- Rehabilitation - punishment can be used to
reform or change offenders so they will not
return to criminal careers, education and
training encourage prisoners that they can earn
an honest living once released
- Functionalist Perspective of
- Functionalists argue that the function of
punishment is to uphold social solidarity and
reinforce shard values
- Links to Durkehim's positive aspects of crime
- Punishment is different in different societies,
2 different types of justice ...
- Mechanistic societies will use retributive methods of punishment
- Organic societies will use restitutive methods of
punishment (more complex societies)