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Sociology Exam
- Using material from Item A and elsewhere, assess sociological explanations of
gender differences in achievement and in subject choice.
- internal
- gender differences
- GCSE and coursework
- Gorard found gender gap in achievement fairly constant until
1988-9, when it increased sharply (years GCSEs introduced with
cw). Gorard concludes that the gender gap in achievement is a
'product of the changed system of assessment rather than any more
general failing of boys'; Mitsos and Browne support this view. They
conclude girls are better at cw as more organised than boys (girls:
spend more time on their work, take care with way its presented,
better at meeting deadlines bring the right equipment and materials
to lessons). They also note girls gain from maturing earlier from their
ability to concentrate for longer. Elwood criticises saying cw can have
limited impact o final grade, exams have more influence on final
- selection and league tables
- Marketisation created competitive climate in
which schools view girls as desirable recruits
because they achieve better exam results.
Jackson notes that introduction of exam league
tables has improved opportunities for girls as high
achieving girls attractive to schools. Slee argues
boys are less attractive to schools as they are
more likely to suffer from behavioural difficulties
and are four times more likely to be excluded.
Boys may be seen as 'liability students' obstacles
to the school improving its league tables.
- subject choice
- gendered subject image
- subjects 'give off- an image affecting who wants to choose it. Kelly
argues science is viewed as a boys subject for several reason, 1) science
teachers more likely to be male 2) the examples in textbooks and by
teachers often draw upon boys' experiences and interests 3) in science
lessons boys tend to monopolise the apparatus and dominate the
laboratory, acting as if it was 'theirs'. DfES shows pupils from single-sex
school tend to hold less stereotyped subject images e.g. less likely to see
science as a boys' subject. Leonard found this may result in them making
less traditional subject choices. Studied 13,000 individuals, found girls
more likely to study maths and sciences at A level, and at boys' schools
more likely to take English and modern languages.
- external
- subject choice
- early socialisation
- Murphy study, set open-ended tasks in primary schools
where they were asked to design boats and vehicles and
estate agents' advert. Found boys designed powerboats and
battleships with elaborate weaponry whereas girls designed
cruise ships, paying attention to social and domestic detail.
Boys designed sports cars, girls designed family cars. Boys
made poster focusing on 'masculine' spheres e.g. garage
space, girls focus on 'feminine' ones such as kitchen design
and decor.
- gender differences
- changes in family
- changes include, an increase in divorce rate, increase in
cohabitation and decrease number of first marriages,
increase number of lone-parent families and smaller families.
More female-headed lone-parent families mean more women
need to take on the breadwinner role. Creating a new adult
role model for girls (the financially independent women). To
achieve this women need well-paid jobs thus good
qualifications. Increase in divorce may suggest to girls it is
unwise to rely on a husband to be their provider. Encouraging
girls to look to themselves and their own qualifications to
make a living.
- Changes in employment
- changes include, 1970 Equal Pay Act (Prosser says responsible for
change of economic status in women in last 30 years) making it illegal
for women to be payed less than men for work of equal value and 1975
Sex Discrimination Act outlaws sex discrimination in employment, more
women in employment (49% in 1959 whereas 70% in 2007) while
traditional 'mens' jobs have declined, more women breaking through
'glass ceiling' the invisible barrier that keeps women out of high-level
professional and managerial jobs. Meaning women seeing future as paid
work not housework. Greater career options better pay for women and
the role models provide an incentive for girls to gain qualifications'
- Using material from Item B and elsewhere, assess the strengths and limitations of using
one of the following methods for investigating social class differences in university entrance:
group interviews OR postal questionnaires
- +
- high response rate as pupils, teachers and parents
accustomed to completing questionnaires issues by
the school such as student satisfaction surveys.
- postal means does not disrupt
student lesson time meaning consent
more easy to obtain from schools
- Able to ask more school and pupils
(large scale) as questionnaires
standardised, just have to send them out
and wait for responses. the scale makes
more representative so can generalise
- quick and cheap as gathering
basic quantitative data you can
draw conclusions from
- Micheal Rutter, lots of data from 12
inner London secondary schools
- better than group interviews as hard to translate
material and cultural differences to students without
making them feel uncomfortable. By using free-school
meals as a way of tell class in questionnaires is more
objective as pupils won't feel embarassed about
background. i.e. may lie in fear of being teased, bullied or
'stigmatised' as poor, able to safeguard them
- quantitative data able to find trends and make
comparisons between different social groups,
present data in graphs to view results abstractly.
Furthermore, reliable as can send questionnaire
anyway (all questions the same), no interviewer to
encourage social desirability
- -
- doesn't provide explanation for trends
- lack validity as not able to know if the person who
says they answered the questionnaire is actually
who they say they are
- misunderstand questions answer
wrongly, or may not have option
that closely relates to participants
- needs to be brief as people may
not want to spend time answering
50 questions, limiting amount of
information that can be gathered
- reassurance on anonymity
may be difficult to achieve
with such a detached
- interpretivists value developing rapport so
reject questionnaires, because pupils may
be less likely to give honest responses
- pupils may equate them with school and
teacher authority- as result those in ant-school
subcultures may refuse to cooperate or take
activity seriously
- Suggest two disadvantages of
longitudinal studies in sociological
research. (4 marks)
- 1) sample attrition - participants drop out half way
through 2) risk of Hawthorne effect
- Examine the problems that sociologists may face when using covert participant
observation and covert non - participant observation in their research.
- methological preference; reliability; validity;
representativeness/generalisation; quantitative and qualitative data; cost;
time; informed consent/deception; danger; il legality; access/getting in,
staying in/‘ going native’ and getting out; grounded theory/hypothesis
formation; data analysis; publication of findings; utility in relation to different
research contexts and issues