Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mussolini's Economic Battles
- Lira
- Aims
- Fix Lira at 90:£1
- reduce inflation
- confirm image of
Fascism stabilising Italy
- make Italy powerful
- Actions taken
- tight controls on
money supply
- deflate economy to
increase Lira value
- exchange rate fixed
- Effects
- 1927 - Lira at
90:£1 achieved
- Showed authority of regime
- Italy's exports became
expensive outside of Italy
- smaller firms were taken over
- deflation
- Grain
- Aims
- boost cereal
- stop foreign bread
being sold in Italy
- to become less
dependent on foreign
imports (for WII)
- show Italy as major power
- Actions taken
- high tariffs on
imported grain
- marginal land used for
growth (expensive)
- grants given to farms for
equipment and fertilisers
- Effects
- cereal production doubled
from 1922-39
- wheat imports fell by 75%
- raised cost of grain
and bread
- declined quality of
Italian diet
- Marshes
- Aim
- show dynamic
- increase land available
for cereal production
- provide more jobs
- reduce malaria
- Actions taken
- laws passed on
land reclamation
- private landowners
encouraged to co-operate
with drainage schemes
- Effects
- land in south was
not reclaimed
- southern owners
blocked plans
- jobs and public health improved
- Latina and Sabandia
- towns created as