Zusammenfassung der Ressource
food and nutrition
- fountions of food
- growth
- energy
- warmyh
- protects the body from disease
- protiens
- made of amino acid
- bead like structure
- made up of carbon,oxygen,hydrogen and nitrigen
- classifacation
- high biological value
- meat,eggs ,fish,ect.
- low biological value
- peas,beans,lentils,ect..
- functions
- nutrients
- chemicals that nourish the body
- protien
- fats
- vitamins
- minreals
- carbohydrates
- water
- factors affecting food choice
- lifestyle
- nutritional value
- cost
- culture
- religion
- avalibility
- foods in season
- advertising
- likes and dislikes
- RDA(recomended daily amount)
- adults need one gram ofprotein for evrey kg that they weigh
- fats
- fatty acids
- contains carbon hydrogen and oxygen
- glycerol
- glycerol attached to fatty acids
- classifacation
- staurated
- butter meat and animal products
- unsaturated
- seeds nuts fish oil ect.
- functions
- heat and energy
- contain vitanins A D E and K
- insulates the body and keeps heat in
- protects organs