45. People Pay Attention Only To Salient Cues


Mindmap am 45. People Pay Attention Only To Salient Cues, erstellt von Lorena Munoz am 09/03/2017.
Lorena Munoz
Mindmap von Lorena Munoz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lorena Munoz
Erstellt von Lorena Munoz vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

45. People Pay Attention Only To Salient Cues
  1. salient cues
    1. you only pay attention to what you need for the task at hand
    2. looking vs seeing
      1. the difference is paying attention
      2. when paying attention to a penny
        1. coin collector salient cues
          1. date
            1. wording
              1. other details
              2. regular person salient cues
                1. color
                  1. size
                2. make salient cues obvious to your audience
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