52: Dopamine Makes People Addicted to Seeking Information


Chapter 6: What Motivates People 52: Dopamine Makes People Addicted to Seeking Information
Miranda Davis
Mindmap von Miranda Davis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Miranda Davis
Erstellt von Miranda Davis vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

52: Dopamine Makes People Addicted to Seeking Information
  1. Though dopamine is often thought to cause people to experience pleasure, it actually causes people to seek out and search.
    1. Dopamine increases ones general level of arousal, motivation and goal-directed behavior.
      1. So basically, dopamine makes you curious!
        1. Brain scans have shown that the anticipation of reward is more satisfying than the reward itself.
          1. TAKEAWAYS
            1. People are motivated to keep seeking information
              1. The easier you make it to find information, the more information-seeking behavior the will engage in.
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