Benefits of being messy


Do nothing might be the most vital skill for thriving in our frenetic, overwhelmend. This is a relaxation technique wich can lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, and increase blood flow to major muscles
Nathaly Quiroa
Mindmap von Nathaly Quiroa, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nathaly Quiroa
Erstellt von Nathaly Quiroa vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Benefits of being messy
  1. Be lazy
    1. Technique of ralaxation
      1. Reduce muscle tension
        1. Improve concentration
          1. Increase blood flow to major muscles
        2. You,re no fashion plate
          1. Decision Fatigue
            1. Shopping can be so exhausting
              1. Pare down decisions to make others more important
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