Zusammenfassung der Ressource
OCR - A-Level -
Biology -
Evidence used
in Classification
- Biological
- More similar
molecules, more
closely related
- Determines
closeness of relation
as well as spp group
- Cytochrome
- A protein used in
which differs
between species
- Compare amino acid
sequences to
determine drift of
closeness of relation
- More similar
sequence, more
closely related.
- Can take you to
a certain point
- E.g. Humans
are identical to
- Other methods are
needed to classify
- Genetic code is a
sequence of base pairs
- Differences in base
pairs between species
originated from
mutation, to evolution
- Comparing DNA identifies
similarities and differences
- More different, less related
- Sequences of base pairs
- Convergent
- Organisms that aren't
closely related develop
similar traits due to
environmental factors
- 3 Domain
- Eukaryote
- Similar enzymes for
synthesising RNA
- Similar mechanisms
DNA replication and
RNA synthesising
- Production of some
proteins that bind
to their DNA
- Prokaryote
- Bacteria
- Different cell
membrane structure
- Flagella with a different
internal structure
- Different enzymes for
synthesising RNA
- Different mechanisms for DNA
replication and RNA synthesising
- No proteins bound
to genetic material
- Archaebacteria