Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sociology Unit 1: Policies
- Theorist Views
- Functionalists
- Policies help to allow the family to perform its functions
- NHS care for members when sick
- Feminists
- policies mainly maintain the power of men
- dont control men who are violent or abusive
- favour tax and benefit policies
- Marxists
- policies serving capitalism
- improvements for working class=class struggle
- New Right
- many policies undermine the family
- weaken self-reliance by providing over generous welfare state
- MURRAY: the benefits reward incorrect behaviour
- lone parent families recieve benefits
- New Right Policies
- CHILD SUPPORT AGENCY: fathers to give money for their children
- SPARE BEDROOM TAX: benefits on spare rooms was being wasted
- MARRIED COUPLE TAX ALLOWANCE:: tax cuts on married couples
- Criticisms
- form or patriarchy
- attack single parent families
- blame inidviduals for poverty
- want families to be reponsible for themselves
- New Labour
- strengthen family & marriage
- encourage moral stability of family life
- recognise that most households have two earners
- Policies
- MINIMUM WAGE: certain hourly wage
- BABY BONDS: giving money to encourage saving
- SURE START: centres in poort areas