Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Interior Monologue
- = instrument used to translate mental activity in words
- Names and Meanings
- Stephen Dedalus
- name of the firts christian martyr
- wants to convert the Irish to the cult of beauty (Greeks)
- Leopold Bloom
- wanders around Dublin like Ulysses in the Mediterranian
- Molly Bloom
- at home like Penelope
- JUNE 16, 1904 the day, the
whole story takes place
- two levels of narration = external and internal
- lakck of chronological order and punctuation and abscense of dialogs
- immediacy
- is also the day Joyce meets Nora and maybe his epiphany
- First part = centred on Dedalus, alter ego of Joyce
- Second part = dominated by Leopold Bloom
- Third part = dominated by Molly, Leopold's wife
- has no real plot
- just lives of ordinary people
- but every single moment matters
- censured for obscenity in America and England and not published until the mid -30's and was first publicated in instalments
- Similaraties with Homer's Odyssey
- epic model
- used to stress the lack of heroism, love, ideas and trust in the modern world
- 24 hours day = 24 books of Odyssey
- 18 episodes = 18 incdents Ulysses had
- man's journey through life
- Dedalus: homeless and fatherless like Ulysses's son and he
meets Leopold who becomes symbolically his father
- Penelope wanders through Greece
- Molly wanders through Dublin
- Molly's Monologue or chapter 18
- divided into eight long unpunctuated sentences, for a total of 30,000 words
- acceptance of life’s multifariousness
- Molly's thoughts, need and desires
- typical of the more liberated figure living in Paris
- unfaithful to her husband
- importance of physical experiences