The Second Reich- Society & Government in Germany c. 1900-1919


A-Levels History (Boer War) Mindmap am The Second Reich- Society & Government in Germany c. 1900-1919, erstellt von elspeth am 30/04/2014.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Second Reich- Society & Government in Germany c. 1900-1919
  1. 1. Constitution of the Second Reich
    1. Kaiser
      1. Prussian Monarch & Sovereign in the Second Reich
        1. Commander in Chief of the Army
          1. In charge of foreign policy
            1. Could dissolve the Reichstag
              1. President of the Bundesrat
              2. Chancellor & Ministers
                1. Responsible for presenting legislation to parliament & implementing laws.
                  1. Not accountable to parliament, only to the Kaiser.
                    1. Tended to be Junkers.
                    2. Reichstag
                      1. Democratic element of the constitution.
                        1. Elected by universal suffrage
                          1. Could accept, amend or veto legislation
                          2. The Bundesrat
                            1. Appointed by regional state assemblies
                              1. Held legislative powers
                                1. Could initiate legislation & if 14 members voted against a law it could be vetoed.
                                  1. Bismarck designed this to ensure the dominance of Prussian conservatives.
                                  2. The Federal State
                                    1. Reflected the independent origins of the newly unified Germany
                                      1. States had power to determine local political arrangements
                                        1. In charge of education, local policing and healthcare.
                                        2. The Army
                                          1. Accountable only to the Kaiser
                                            1. Swore an oath of allegiance only to him & not to the government.
                                          2. 2. Economic & Social Developments
                                            1. Economic Developments
                                              1. Economic growth
                                                1. 1890-1914: economy expanded 4.5% per year
                                                  1. Coal & Iron production doubled
                                                    1. Steel production > Britain's by 1900
                                                    2. New industries
                                                      1. Excelled in chemicals, pharmaceuticals, electrical
                                                        1. Daimler & Diesel - Cars
                                                          1. AEG & Siemens- electrical
                                                            1. 1913- 50% of electrical goods.
                                                            2. Industrial Economy
                                                              1. Growing percentage of population working in industrial and service sectors of the economy
                                                                1. GNP rose from 33% to 42%
                                                                2. Improved transport infrastructure
                                                                  1. Developed trains, tramways & trolley buses constructed to facilitate travel & industrial development
                                                                3. Social Developments
                                                                  1. Urbanisation
                                                                    1. Population boom & new jobs stimulated urbanisation
                                                                      1. 1910-60% of population lived in urban areas (highest rate in Europe)
                                                                        1. Berlin had >2 million residents
                                                                          1. Overcrowding and homelessness were consequences
                                                                          2. Poor standards of living
                                                                            1. Boom in trade union membership- 3 million by 1913
                                                                              1. Despite low unemployment & rise in wages
                                                                              2. Class tensions
                                                                                1. Working class unhappy about pay & working conditions
                                                                                  1. Junkers keen to conserve their dominant position in society
                                                                                    1. Mittelstand felt their living standards were threatened by new industries.
                                                                                2. 3. Political Developments
                                                                                  1. 4. The Kaiser & His Chancellors
                                                                                    1. 5. How Did The Political System Work In Practice?
                                                                                      1. 6. Second Reich by 1914
                                                                                        1. 7. The Impact of WWI on Germany
                                                                                          1. 8. The German Revolution 1918-1919
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