Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Topic 3 - The selection and presentation of news, and moral
- TV seems to be
primary source from
people obtain their
- TV is also regarded as the most trusted
news medium and saw it as a 'window
on the world' offering audiences a fair
and unbiased view of events as they
- Surveys have shown that newspapers
often are cheerleaders for a particular
political ideology e.g. Telegraph quite
- In 21st century there has been a
large increase in ways people
access the news (convergence);
tv, internet, mobile phones
- News
- Sociologists have looked at why TV news is
regarded as most reliable and suggest it is
due to the way it is presented ...
- Newsreaders are presented as
'neutral observers' in the way
they read scripted news, their
formality and eye contact with
the viewer
- Body language of newcasters
is reduced as they sit behind
desks which denotes authority
- Newsreaders manners
is always friendly,
reliable and reassuring
- Creates impression that news reader is viewers friend and is trustworthy and reliable
- Hi tech studio symbolizes
scientific lengths broadcaster
have gone to find the 'truth' and
reinforces image of formal and
objective authority
- Critics have actually suggested that
TV news creates an 'illusion of
objectivity' for audience
- Mcquail argues that news is nor impartial or
objective, events happen but no guarantee they
will become news
- Mcquail notes that the news is actually socially
constructed as it is an end result of a selective
process made up of gatekeepers
- Gatekeepers are people within the media who have the power to
let some news stories through but also stop others e.g. editors
decides what counts as news
- Critics point out that process of news
selection is biased as it is generally
dependent on 3 broad influences
- Bureaucratic Routines
- News Values
- Ownership, ideology and bias
- Bureaucratic Routines
- Source of News
- Many newspapers and TV news
producers purchase most of their news
items from press agencies
- These press agencies sell
stories 24 hours a day
- They also receive press releases
from pressure groups, government
agencies, public relation
companies, private companies,
- Many stories appear in the news
simply as press agencies deem it as
important or a spin doctor public
relations officer wants to plant a story
about government or celebrity
- Financial Costs
- Sending personnel overseas and booking
satellite connections can be expensive and
may give us news reports even if very little is
- In order to justify the heavy
costs involved
- Organisations will usually have news
reporters already stationed in european
countries and the USA (HIC) so when
an event happens it can be covered as
respondents are already there
- However events in developing countries such as
Ruwanda are less likely to be reported as there will be
little or no reporters there
- Immediacy and Actuality
- Events are more likely to be reported especially on
television if they are accompanied by sound and also any
film/video footage, especially any live background from
- Reports done live add a
sense of dramatic actuality
- Technology has enhanced this a lot
- Citezen journalists can also be brought into
this - members of the public who record
news events e.g. using mobile phones
- 2014 Donald Sterling case
which was recorded using
a audio recording device
and story was sold to TMZ
- The Audience
- Proves news is a social construction as
news is manufactured to meet needs of
specific audiences, of those watching and
their social characteristics
- E.g. Newsround and Channel 4 news
- Channel 4 news is aimed at
quite professional and middle
- Newsround is aimed at young
children, seen through colours,
informal dress of hosts and also
language used
- Particular times of the day
may also influence selection
of the news
- Lunchtime broadcast is more likely to be
seen by women so more appropriate to
talk about news items relating to their
concerns e.g. price battle in supermarkets
- News Values
- News values are assumptions about what makes
an event newsworthy that guide journalists and
editors when selecting news items
- What editors and journalists regard as
newsworthy may differ from channel to channel
- Galtung and Ruge identify the following
news values used by journalist and editors ...
- Extraordinariness
- Unexpected, rare and unpredictable
and suprising events have more
newsworthiness than normal events
as they are out of the ordinary
- Charles A. Dana famously said that 'if a
dog bites a man thats not news but if a
man bites a dog then thats news'
- Complexity
- Events that are easy to grasp
onto and easily summarised are
likely to be reported
- Links back to Harveys 'candy floss
culture'; television that speaks to
everyone but no one in particular
- Reference to Elite Nations
- HIC countries are more likely to receive
news coverage as they are seen as
more newsworthy, developing countries
dont have same impact or importance
- Events in LIC/developing countries
may seem un-meaningful to rest of the
- Mclurg said that 1 dead
Briton was equal to 1000
dead chinese in terms of
news coverage
- Negativity
- Bad news was regarded by
journalists as more exciting
and dramatic than good
news and is also attracted
larger audiences
- Good news is less interesting and
less entertaining
- Stories about death,
bankrupcy, violences,
damage, extreme weather
all gained higher views and
higher ratings
- Ownership, Ideology and Bias
- Neo Pluralism
- Neo pluralists hold the view that
journalists are objective, professional,
pursuers of the truth (impartial)
- Davies argues that basic function of
journalists is to check facts, he notes
that this has been corrupted in
comtemporary society by failure to verify
news stories
- Davies argues that modern day Britsh
journalists are characterized by what he
calls Churnalism (the uncritical overeliannce
on facts produced by government spin
doctors and public relation officers
- Journalists are now passive
processors of unchecked
second hand material
- Research by Davies found that
only 12% of stories actually
generated by journalists themselves
and only 12% were throughly
checked by journalist techniques
- Davies also notes that
journalists are under significant
pressure to pursue stories
people actually want to hear e.g.
celeb stories as they attract
larger audiences and higher
- Marxists are critical of neo pluralists
as they believe this view of being
neutral and impartial is an attempt to
make profit
- Some suggest news is
socially constructed in way
that benefits ruling class and
has negative effects for rest of
- Ownership of News
- Sociologists have identified a
number of ways in which media
owners may influence editorial
prioities and impartiality of the
news ...
- Owners may give direct instructions or
owner may be directly involved in
setting editorial approach of news
- This could be critiqued as one study shows
that owners are too buys with global trade
and investment
- Owners may also influence the way news
is gathered and presented in terms of
resources and also what stories they
regard as worthy investment
- Owner may have a political ideology
which may directly influence choice of
stories and pursued by editors and also
way in which they are presented
- The Power Elite
- The power elite is the wealthy
minority that control political and
economical power
- Bagdikian is critical of American news media,
he notes that almost all media leaders in the
USA are part of this power elite
- Consequently media
owners ensure that
content of the news is
politically conservative
and that their news
outlets promote
corporate values
- A good example is that very little
attention is paid to ordinary people
(in this case Americans)
- The news seems
uninterested in the
growing gap between
the rich and the poor
in the USA
- Bagdikian also argues that there are
commercial pressures on journalists, this
has meant neautrailization of infromation and
reduction of objectivity because of he fears
it may offend part of the audience and then
reduce circulation and advertising revenue
- The Glasgow University Media Group
- The GUMG argue that the way news is gathered
and presented has nothing to do with the rich
and the powerful (owners)
- The GUMG argue that the news is a product of the social
background of the journalists and editors who are usually
white, male and middle class
- The lifestyle most journalists and editors live results in them seeing very
little wrong with society, despite the inequality
- As a result they are
rarely critical
- Moral Panics
- Media reactions to social groups or particular
activities which are defined as threatening societical
values and consequently create anxiety amoungst
general population
- Moral panics put pressure on
authorities to control problem and
discipline group responsible
- Goode and Ben Yehuda note that moral panics
produce what is known as a 'folk devil'
- This suggests that the so called deviants are
selfish and evil and steps need to be taken to
neutralize their actions so society can return to
- The media also engages in a type of
social soothsaying
- They often adopt a disaster mentality and predict
more problems if this problem group is not kept under
surveillence or punished
- This increases social pressure of
authorities to stamp down hard on problem
- Goode and Ben Yehuda note that the
volatility of moral panics means they
can erupt suddenly and can subsidise
or disappear just as quickly
- Some are dormant then reappear
from time to time, but usually moral
panic has long lasting effect even
after problem group is stamped down
- In some cases, it may have led
to social policy changes or to
law or action may be taken
- Donald Sterling case NBA racism
- However both publicity and social
reaction to the panic may create
potential for further crime and deviance
in future
- E.g. the 'just say no' drug campaign in the early
90's probably attracted more young people to use
drugs such as estacy as they knew adults in society
disapproved of this
- Contemporary example of Moral
- In 2003 a moral panic focussed on
the number of refugee and asylum
seekers entering the UK
- Alleged links between asylum
seekers and terrorism created
public anxiety
- This moral panics reduced motives for people to
enter the UK for terrorism, crime or taking advantage
of UK's generous welfare system
- The genuine reason why people
would come to UK were neglected or
- Why do Moral Panics come
- Reaction to Rapid
Social Change
- Sociologists argue that moral
panics arise when society fails
to adapt to dramatic social
changes, there is loss of
control, especially over
powerless groups such as the
- People see themselves and family
at risk from problem groups (folk
- Means of Making
- Moral panics are simply product
of news values and desire of
journalists and editor to sell
- This is a good example of how people
are manipulated by media for
commercial purposes
- When these stories have run their
cycle they become dormant, and may
come back in future and be made
newsworthy again to attract large
- Serving Ruling Class Ideology
- Marxists see moral panics as serving
an ideological function e.g. Hall study
of 'Black Muggers'
- This turned white working
class against black working
class (diverts attention from
- Ruling class are able to divide
and rule working class
- Ruling class are able to
create and enforce laws in
future to fight other 'problem
- Reflection of People's Real Fears
- Left realists argue that moral panics should not be
dismissed as a product of ruling class ideology or
news values
- They say moral panics have a real basis
in reality i.e. media often identify groups
who are a very real threat to those living
in inner city areas
- They say moral panics are probably
justified in some cases