Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Little Stranger: Chapter 1
- Supernatural
- Page 13: Betty is the only person to recognize that there is
a supernatural presence in the home > links to the idea
that stereotypically, children are seers
- Setting
- PAGE 5 first description > gothic desriptions +
human like qualities
- PAGE 31 - the setting when Faraday
leaves + the staircase
- Character
- Betty
- Associated with the supernatural
from the start
- Faraday
- Transgressive nature of being a doctor > the
way he acts with betty and the way it's
described e.g exposing her stomach
- PAGE 10 + 11
- Is instantly introduced as unreliable and
sleptical character through his
proffession as a doctor > proffessional +
cold stereotypically
- The house changes his behaviour > HINTS HE IS THE
LITTLE STRANGER? > his attitude changes due to his love
of the house
- PAGE 2 + 3 > E.G "I was an
obedient child as a rule" or "I
wasn't a spiteful or
destructive boy"
- Think's he's a higher class than he
is - has a sense of entitlement
- PAGE 2+3 he was
"entitled" to the acorn
- PAGE 17 "That Faraday grated on me" > he
thinks he should be of a higher status
- Caroline
- Immediately described as boring and not
special etc.
- Her introduction on PAGES 8-9
- Roderick
- Described as a potential monster but
also a potential victim
- PAGE 6 with the footsteps at the door > classic gothic/villanous BUT also commonly
described as "boyish" > victimizes him by making him vulnerable
- Class
- Faraday's distaste for how they treat him
> shows how his achieved status still
doesn't outweigh the ascribed status of
the gentry
- PAGE 17 - Rod's treatment of Faraday
- Opinions of class also shown through
- Mistreatment of
- PAGE 27: Rod calls Betty a
"moron" and treats her with
- Never find out Mrs Ayres first name >
class issue?