Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Culture of reading
- The library
- Use to deliver AR programme to most vulnerable Y7 readers
- Create AR section, with all books labelled with reading ages
- Use as a revision resource: specific revision section, with all GCSE revision guides
- Topic-led displays
- A base for AGT DEAR groups
- A based for Y11 AGT independent study programme
- Bookable classroom: encourage students to research independently
- Review displays to make more inviting
- DEAR time
- Y7 form tutors to deliver AR programme through DEAR time
- Development of discussion-based DEAR time
- Involve whole-school through interactive competitions / votes.
- Age-appropriate extracts to the be used for one week each half-term. Link to T4TD
- Accelerated Reader programme
- All Y7 students to take part
- FTs to deliver programme on a rota
- Identify needs of sub-groups
- Staff to be given information about how to meet each student's needs
- Promote as a parental resource
- Use to identify key intervention students in Y7. These students receive intervention from Nl and Mm
- Link to rewards programme: millionaires' reading club
- Paired reading intevention
- Re-launch paired reading from September, with 'reading for pleasure' workshop and visit to 'Seven Stories'
- Paired reading students to all take part in AR programme
- Progress reports to be sent home half-termly
- Involve parents by encouraging reading from home
- Cross-curricular
- All departments to offer silent reading time at KS3 on a formal rota
- Create calendar or national reading events and make formal arrangements to promote key events
- School involvement in Carnegie Medal
- World Book Day
- Transition
- Reintroduce primary reading mentors from September
- Create transition project for external funding. This is likely to involve use of the AR programme with Y5 and Y6