Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Fatimah's soft bones
- psychological problems of elderly
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Substance abuse
- Alzheimer
- Paraphrenia
- Chronic schizophrenia
- sedentary lifestyle
- no or irregular
physical activity
- known as
couch potatoes.
- risk factors
- disk herniation
- anxiety
- obesity
- migranes
- breast cancer
- colon cancer
- depression
- generalized bone pain
- possible dianosis
- Osteoporosis
- bone tumor
- bone infection
- leukemia
- hypercalcemia
- rickets
- hyperparathyroidism
- pagets disease
- osteomalacia
- osteoporosis
- risk factors
- Age
- gender
- bone structure & body weight
- history of fractures
- rheumatoid arthritis
- steroids
- smoking
- alcohol
- pathophysiology
- age related changes
in bone remodelling
- increase in
osteoclastic activity
- decrease in
osteoblastic activity
- calcium defeciency
- estrogen deficiency
- vit D deficiency
- drugs
- symptoms
- pain
- immobility
- depression
- low self esteem
- signs
- shortened stature
- kyphosis/lordosis
- bone pain
- fracture
- diagnosis
- Bone mineral density test (BMD)
- X-rays
- CT scans
- medical history
- physical examination
- lab tests
- management
- lifestyle changes
- intake of
calcium & vit D
- medications
- estrogen replacement therapy
- anatomy of the hip
- fractures
- risk factors of
fragility fractures
- age
- gender
- low BMD
- history of fracture
- low BMI
- hormones
- risk factors of pelvic
neck fracture
- high speed accidents
- fall from great hieghts
- high impact athletic activities
- management of hip fractures
- nonsurgical treatment
- surgical treatment