Entry Into Jerusalem


GCSE Religion - Mark's Gospel Mindmap am Entry Into Jerusalem, erstellt von klaudia.cookie am 10/05/2013.
Mindmap von klaudia.cookie, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von klaudia.cookie vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Entry Into Jerusalem
  1. The meaning of the Last Supper for Christians today
    1. - Christians still celebrate the last supper in the service of Holy Communion. - There are different names for this service : Eucharits (Thanks giving), The body of Chrits, Communion, Mass, The breaking of bread. At Holy Communion they believe that they are re-enacting and remembering Jesus; death and Resurrection. Christians believe thay were reseve spiritural strength to help them be faithful followers in their lifes.
    2. The mocking of Jesus
      1. 1st - They clothed him in purple cloath. 2nd They put a crown on him. 3rd They were saluting him saying "Haill, King of the Jewish". 4th They struck his head with a reed. 5th They spat on him. 6th They knelt down in homage to him. 7th They stripped him of the purple cloak an d put on his own clothes. 8th They led him out to crucify him.
      2. The meaning of Jesus' death
        1. Liberation. Self giving love. Victory. Atonement
        2. Crucifiction shows Jesus at his weakest ?
          1. 1. He was physically weak. 2. He was mentally weak. 3. He shouted "Eloi, Eloi lema sabbahtani!" which means "my God, my God why have you forsaken me?"
            1. For
            2. 1. He did not take the easier way out. 2. He asked God to forgive people. 3. Gethsemane. 5. "Divine must"
              1. Agains
            3. Why is resurrection importants for Christians ?
              1. 1. A living Christ. 2. Teachings that can be trusted. 3. A sign of God's power. 4. Death is not the end. 5. A sign of victory over all evil. 6. The resurrection life can be lived in a present.
              2. Did the ressrection really happened ?
                1. For
                  1. 1. The disciples changed from being afraid into courageous preaches of the gospel. Something special must have happened.. 2. Most of the elkeven died as marturs - they would not given away their lives for what they knew as a lie. 3. God's power overrides the law of nature.
                  2. Against
                    1. 1. The resurrection appearances might have been hallucinations, one reported "Slightly" sparking off another. 2. Perhaps the eleven so involved in the lie that started to believe in it, or did not know how to get out of it without losing face. 3. Rising from the dead is impossible; it contradicts the law of nature.
                  3. The person of Jesus - Titles used
                    1. 1. Son of Man (Most common) 2. Son of God 3. Christ/Messiah 4. The coosen one/ The annointed one 5. Lord 6 Jesus of Nazareth 7. Survivor 8 King og Jewish 9 Beloved
                    2. Jesus as A teacher
                      1. Mark shows that Jesus teached on many occassions. People often called Jesus "Rabbi" which means "Teacher". As a teacher Mark shows that Jesus taught with authority.
                        1. Jesus as a miracle worker
                          1. Healing (e.g. Blind Beartimaeus). Nature (e.g. The Calming of a Storm). 3.Exorcism (e.g. The Epileptic Boy).
                        2. Jesus in Gethsemane
                          1. Judas came with soldiers and said "Rabbi" and kissed Jesus on the cheek. Jesus was then arrested. Jesus was annoyed that they came with the weapons as he was peaceful.
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                          The Kingdom of God
                          Topic 1 "Introduction to Mark's Gospel"
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                          Spanisch Einstufungstest Niveau A1.1
                          PR 2018/19 GESKO VO 1-6
                          Adrienne Tschaudi