Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Psychological Disorders
- Abnormal
- Medical Model:
Proposes that it is
useful to think of
behaviour as a
- Diagnosis: Distinguishing one
illness from another
- Etiology: Refers to the
apparent causation and
developmental history of an
- Prognosis: A forecast about the
probable course of an illness
- Criteria
- 1. Deviance
- People are often said to have a
disorder because their
behaviours deviate from what
society considers acceptable
- 2. Maladaptive behaviour
- Judged to have a psychological disorder because
their everyday adaptive behaviour is impaired
(Such as substance use)
- 3. Personal distress
- Diagnosis of psychological disorder is
based on an individuals report of
great personal distress
- Normality and
abnormality exist on
a continuum
- Stereotypes
- 1. Psychological disorders are incurable
- 2. People with
disorders are often
violent and
- 3. People with
psychological disorders
behave in bizzare ways
and are very different
from normal people
- Psychodiagnosis (classification)
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM) (Current
version is DSM-5)
- 1) History 2) Criteria 3) Assessment Measures
- Comorbidity: The
coexistence of two or more
- Prevalence of Psychological Disorders
- Epidemiology: The study of the
distribution of mental or physical
disorders in a population
- Prevalence: Refers to
the percentage of a
population that
exhibits a disorder
during a specified time
- Lifetime Prevalence: Percentage of people who
endure a specific disorder at any time of their
- Life-time risk of a
psychiatric disorder to
be 51%
- Most common
types of
- 1) Substance use disorders
- 2) Anxiety disorders
- 3) Mood disorders
- Anxiety,
and Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders: A class of disorders
marked by feelings of excessive
apprehension and anxiety
- occur in roughly 19% of population
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
Marked by chronic, high level of
anxiety that is not tied to any
specific threat
- Specific Phobias: Marked by a persistent
and irrational fear of an object or situation
that presents no realistic danger
- Panic Disorders: Characterized by
recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety
that usually occurs suddenly and
- Agoraphobia:
Fear of going out
to public places
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders(OCD): Is marked by
persistent, uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted
thoughts (obsessions) and urges to engage in
senseless rituals (compulsions).
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD): Follows an individuals
exposure to some type of chronic or
acute stressor
- Etiology of Anxiety and
- Biological Factors
- Concordance rate: indicates
the percentage of twin pairs
or other pairs of relatives
who exhibit the same
- Conditioning and Learning
- Anxiety responses may
be acquired through
classical conditioning and
maintained through
operant conditioning
- Cognitive Factors
- Certain styles of
thinking make some
people particularly
vulnerable to anxiety
- Stress
- Dissociative Disorders
- A class of disorders in which people
lose contact with portions of their
consciousness or memory, resulting in
disruptions in their sense of identity
- Dissociative
Amnesia: A sudden
loss of memory for
important personal
information that is
too extensive to be
due to normal
- Dissociative fugue: people lose their memory for
their life and experiences, along with their sense
of personal identity
- Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): Involves the
coexistence in one person of two or more largely
complete, and usually very different, personalities
(Multiple Personalities Disorder)
- Mood Disorders
- Bipolar II Disorder: Individuals suffer from episodes of major depression
along with hypomania in which their change in mood and behaviour is
less severe than those seen in full mania
- Affect about 1% of
North American
- Cyclothymic
Disorder: When
they exhibit chronic
but relatively mild
symptoms of
bipolar disturbance
- Diversity
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): A type of
depression that follows a seasonal pattern
- 3% of Canadians
- Postpartum Depression:
A type of depression
that sometimes occurs
after childbirth
- Suicide
- second leading cause
of death in ages 15-34
- Etiology
- Genetic Vulnerability
- Heredity can create a
predisposition to mood
- Biological and
- Heredity may influence susceptibility to mood
disorders by creating a predisposition toward
certain types of neurochemical abnormalities in
the brain
- Hormonal Factors
- Dispositional Factors
- The role of personality
factors in eliciting and
maintaining depression
- Interpersonal Roots
- Behavioural approaches to understanding
depression emphasize how inadequate
social skills put people on the road to
depressive disorders
- Sports Concussions
- Precipitating Stress
- Schizophrenia
- A disorder marked by delusions, hallucinations,
disorganized speech, negative symptoms and
deterioration of adaptive behaviour
- 1% of population may
suffer from
- General Symptoms
- Delusions and Irrational Thoughts
- Delusions: False beliefs that are
maintained even though they clearly are
out of touch with reality
- Deterioration of
- Hallucinations: Sensory
perceptions that occur in
the absence of a real,
external stimulus or are
gross distortions of
perceptual input
- Disturbed Emotions
- Positive Versus
- Negative Symptoms: Involve
behavioural deficits, such as
flattened emotions, social
withdrawal, apathy, impaired
attention, and poverty of speech
- Positive Symptoms: Involve
behavioural excesses or
peculiarities, such as hallucinations,
delusions, bizarre behaviour, and
wild flights of ideas
- Course and Outcome
- Usually emerges
during adolescence
or early adulthood
- Emergence of Schizo
is usually insidious
and gradual
- 20% of those suffering
from Schizo enjoy a full
- Etiology
- Genetic Vulnerability
- Hereditary factors
play a role
- Neurochemical Factors
- Structural
Abnormalities in
the Brain
- Neurodevelopmental
- Caused in part by various disruptions in the
normal maturational processes of the brain
before or at birth
- Expressed Emotion (EE): The degree to
which a relative of schizophrenic patient
displays highly critical or emotionally
overinvolved attitudes toward the patient
- Precipitating Stress
- Personality Disorders
- A class of disorders marked by extreme,
inflexible personality traits that cause
subjective distress or impaired social and
occupational functioning
- 3 clusters
- Anxious/Fearful
- Odd/Eccentric
- Dramtic/Impulsive
- Diagnostic Problems
- Personality disorders overlap with other
categories of disorders and with each
- Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Description
- Marked by impulsive, callous, manipulative,
aggressive, and irresponsible behaviour that reflects a
failure to accept social norms
- More frequent in males than females
- Found in 3-6% of males and 1% of females
- Etiology
- Genetic predisposition toward these disorders
- Disorders of Childhood
- 20% of the children and
youth in Canada will suffer
from mental illnesses
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Refers to a
developmental disorder characterized by social
and emotional deficits, along with repetitive and
stereotypic behaviours, interests and activities
- Etiology
- Biological dysfunctions
- Research has failed to find an
association between vaccinations
and the development of autism
- Psychological Disorders and the Law
- Insanity
- M'Naghten Rule: Insanity exists when a
mental disorder makes a person unable to
distinguish right from wrong
- Automatism: The idea that you should
not be held responsible if you had no
control over your behaviour