Ways in which a business can change practices in order to be successful


GCSE Business Studies Mindmap am Ways in which a business can change practices in order to be successful, erstellt von toby solomon am 22/03/2017.
toby solomon
Mindmap von toby solomon, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
toby solomon
Erstellt von toby solomon vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Ways in which a business can change practices in order to be successful
  1. Diversity
    1. Business activity (e.g. merge with primary manufacturing)
      1. Expand into new markets
        1. Introduce new products
        2. Change in Owernship
          1. Become a PLC from a LTD
            1. Increase number of partners
              1. From an unincorporated
                1. To incorporated
              2. Merge with another business
                1. Increase working captial
                  1. Increase customer base
                    1. Increase productivity
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