Sociology Unit 1: Childhood


A Levels Sociology Mindmap am Sociology Unit 1: Childhood, erstellt von leahannabelle am 04/05/2014.
Mindmap von leahannabelle, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von leahannabelle vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Sociology Unit 1: Childhood
  1. Social Construction
    1. created & defined by society,
      1. childhood means different things in different cultures & time
      2. Pre Industrial
        1. ARIES: children were 'little adults'
          1. (1960)
            1. units of production-7/8 years
              1. children had to work in order for family to survive
                1. high level of infant mortality
                  1. children were punished for crimes
                  2. Post Industrialisation
                    1. children- attention &protection
                      1. people chose to have fewer children
                        1. the role of social services to help children at risk
                        2. Industrialisation
                          1. children working in mines & factories
                            1. infant mortality decreased as better diet and saniation
                              1. Middle Class began to see children as love
                              2. Modern Western Idea
                                1. PILCHER: most important feature is separateness
                                  1. childhood is seen as a distinct light stage- different from adults
                                  2. differences are shown through dress, products & laws
                                    1. golden age of happiness & innocence
                                    2. Reasons For Changes In The Position Of Children
                                      1. laws resticting child labour
                                        1. compulsory schooling
                                          1. minimum wage for drinking etc
                                            1. declining family size
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