Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Rights and Responsibility
- The Bible as a basis
for moral decisions
- Yes
- Word of God. God's guidance
- The Decalogue contains rules on how to behave
- Contains teachings from
Jesus on how to live
- Contains letters from
disciples on how to behave
- No
- It is outdated
- Church gives
more personable
- The Church as a
basis for morals
- Body of
- God speaks
through them
- They use the Bible
- You can be sure you
are doing the right thing
- The conscience for
Moral decisions
- Yes
- it is the voice
of God
- The Church says so
- St Paul said
they should
- It is personal
- No
- They could
be mistaken
- It is not as
compact advice
- no second
- Situation ethics
for moral stuff
- No
- If it
- Don't trust
- you can never be sure of
what your actions will do
- yes
- Jesus did when he
overruled the old
testament when it
was unloving
- They think Christians
should do what gives
the best results
- Love God, Jesus says to
do the most loving thing
- love
- Human rights in the
United Kingdom
- Right to life
- No torture
- No slavery
- right to liberty
- A fair trial
- The right to
- Freedom of
- Freedom of
- Right to
meet with
- right to
- right to own
- right to education
- Right to vote
- Why rights are
important to Christians
- The importance
- Life is
holy so the
right to life
- equality as
we are all
equal to god
- Freedom
of thought
is part of
being a
- Not to be compared
- Why they cause issues
- Civil partnerships
- marriage with other faiths
- Homosexuals raising children
- right for
women to
- Why it is important to
take part in democracy
- Voting gives you
control over VAT
and taxes partially
- Local
- EU
- Affect new laws
- NHS, benefits, pension
- Rights
- ancestors fought for
the rights, use them
- Christian teaching
on moral duties
- Golden Rule
- treat others
how you wish
to be treated
- imagine how
others feel
- Parable of the
goats and sheep
- help the poor and suffering
- Am I my brothers keeper?
- duty to look after everyone
- Genetic
and Cloning
- yes
- prospect for cures
- other countries are
- Cloning does not lose human life
- Law monitors it
- no
- long term
- effects cant be changed
- places power in hands of others
- treats humans like plants
- Attitudes to
cloning from
- most loving
- playing god
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