Religion & Multiculturalism


Mindmap am Religion & Multiculturalism, erstellt von sophiecal53 am 11/05/2013.
Mindmap von sophiecal53, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sophiecal53 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Religion & Multiculturalism
  1. Why is Britain multicultural?
    1. invasion
      1. people seek freedom to practice their own religion
        1. people seek escape from political persecution in their own country
      2. people seek economic opportunities
        1. wages in Britain are higher
          1. more job opportunities
      3. London is an example of a Multicultural city. Over 250 languages are spoken as a first language and there are residents from countries all over the world.
        1. Advantages
          1. new skills/ideas
            1. diversity enriches society
              1. different food/music/festivals
                1. overcomes ignorance/prejudice
          2. Disadvantages
            1. extreme persecution
              1. communication problems
                1. blame on immigrants
                  1. prejudice/arrest
            2. Politics & Religion
              1. For
                1. it is right to influence people on moral issues
                  1. every area of life should be represented in politics
                    1. might stop extremism and terrorism
                      1. important to protect religious freedom
                2. Against
                  1. politics is a struggle for power; religion is concerned with spiritual things
                    1. other faiths (or none) may take offence if religion influences
                      1. political beliefs and religious beliefs may be in conflict
                        1. eg. Roman Catholics oppose abortion, state doesn't
                    2. Immigration
                      1. Advantages
                        1. contributes to economy
                          1. motivated workers
                            1. new skills
                        2. Disadvantages
                          1. pressure on NHS/schools etc
                            1. seen as a threat
                              1. prejudice
                                1. racial tension
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