Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Topic 1
- Earth
- solstices
- summer
- winter
- equinoxes
- vernal
- autumnal
- equation of time
- days are sometimes longer or shorter than others due to non circular orbit of earth
- types of day
- sidereal: 23 hrs 56mins
time to rotate 360 degrees
- solar: 24 hrs
time for sun to get to same position in sky
- aurorae
- spectacular light shows near north and south poles
- caused by particles in solar wind interacting with earth's magnetic field
- Eratosthenes
- On summer solstice in Syene, sun was at zenith
- also, at same time in Alexandria, sun was 1/50th of a circle south of zenith
- as Alexandria was due north of Syene, the arc from Alexandria to Syene must be 1/50th circumference of earth
- distance from alexandria to syene was about 790km so circumference of earth must have been about 39500km
- Sun
- diameter
- 1.4 million km
- distance to earth
- 150 million km
- orbital period
- at poles
- 36 days
- at equator
- 25 days
- photosphere
- 5,800K
- Atmosphere
- Chromosphere + corona
- 2 million K
- Nuclear fusion
- Hydrogen nuclei fuse
- into helium
- reaction
- tritium + deuterium --> helium + a neutron (+ energy)
- Heavier elements are formed in
- Solar wind
- charged particles ejected from upper atmosphere
- enough energy to escape sun's gravity
- reaches heliosphere at edge of solar system
- partially deflected by earth's magnetic field
- can damage satellites and electrical transformers
- causes aurorae
- Moon
- Features
- Seas
- Sea of Crises
- Sea of Tranquility
- Ocean of storms
- Formed by large craters that filled
with lava and solidified
- Highlands
- Apennine Mountain
- Craters
- Tycho
- Copernicus
- Kepler
- Rotational period
- 27.3 days
- Orbital period
- "
- Diameter
- 3500km
- Distance from earth
- 380,000km
- Far side
- more craters
- more highlands
- fewer seas
- Giant Impact
Hypothesis (GIH)
- Theia collided with young earth
- Evidence
- relative abundances of oxygen isotopes are almost identical to earth's
- it was once molten
- moon has iron core like earth
- observed similar collisions in other systems
- computer simulations support hypothesis
- Topic 2
- Topic 3
- Topic 4