The impacts of Industrial Revolution


Mindmap am The impacts of Industrial Revolution, erstellt von Wing Shan Luo am 28/03/2017.
Wing Shan Luo
Mindmap von Wing Shan Luo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Wing Shan Luo
Erstellt von Wing Shan Luo vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The impacts of Industrial Revolution
  1. Agricultural
    1. Farmland
      1. Tools
        1. Framing and breeding methods
          1. Three-field System
        2. textile industry
          1. Energy
            1. Steam
              1. Coal
                1. Oil
                  1. Electricity
                  2. Mining
                    1. demand for coal and iron continued to rise
                  3. transportation
                    1. Sea Transport
                      1. steamships
                      2. Land Transport
                        1. single-cylinder engine
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