Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sociology Unit 1:Is Childhood
- The Conventional Approach
- Functionalist & New Right
- 'March of progress' gets better over time
- children are more valued, better cared for etc
- children shaped by society
- New Right View
- POSTMAN: childhood is disappearing-
children are becoming adults
- the same rights
- same TV
- children can access adult TV
- same clothing
- PALMER: Toxic Childhood
- rapid cultural changes have caused damage to children
- junk food
- computer games
- The Conflict View
- Marxists & Feminists
- inequalities among children- some still
remain unprotected & uncared for
- children experience more
control,oppression & dependency
- Feminist View
- HILLMAN: gender differences between children
- boys are more likely to be allowed out later
- FIRESTONE: paid work makes
children more dependent
- Marxist View
- reserve army of labour
- children have a culture of 'need'
to buy new things
- help to train and prepare a workforce
- Child Liberationists
- need to free children from adult
- neglect & abuse
- control over childrens space(not allowed in shops)
- control over childrens time
- control over childrens bodies
- -However, children cannot make decisions for themselves
- The Alternative Approach
- focuses how children interpret the world
- generalisations cannot be made of the meaning of childhood
- children influence different things