Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- What is this?
- Positivists have a set of
assumptions about how
the world works
- Influenced
by natural
- Argue we should treat people
as objects that can be observed
and measured
- they believe just as there are laws to
shape behaviour, there are social facts
determining social actions
- Collect
- Follow an objective,
systematic and logic method,
with a macro approach
- Patterns & Trends
- Free will,
individualism has
less influence to
shape behaviour
- 'puppets of society' = everyone
behaves in patterned ways due
to social structure
- There are trends in
behaviour, very predictable
- Primary & secondary data
- Use standardised measuring
instruments like structured interviews
- Research methods should be replicable,
meaning that it is reliable when others get
similar results
- Data presented a stables
and charts to analyse
patterns and trends
- Collect a large quantity of
data to make it generalisable
- Research should be
objective, no personal
values included
- Scientific = valid
- Dominated research methods
- 1. Easy way to remain
objective and value free
- 2. government funds because
generalisations can be made
- 3. science still holds status