Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Applications
- Applications that can be downloaded
or installed that perform specific but generic
- Desktop
- Used to design
leaflets, posters and
other published
- Multimedia
- Games
- Music players
- Video players
- Spreadsheet
- Used to store data and perform
calculations using formulae
- Word Processing
- Used to produce typed documents for
business or work puposes
- Presentation
- Used to produce slideshows to
present information
- Database
- Used to produce an organsied set of data that
can be filtered, and queryed to produce reports
- Graphics
- Computer AIded Design
- Used to help design products that
can then be manufactured
- Used to help design graphics for the web or
- System
- Applications that help the running and maintenance of a
computer system
- Operating System
- An operating system allows the computer to
operate. It provides a user interface for the
user to interact with the system.
- User Interfaces
- Graphical User Interface
- WIMP (Windows, Icons,
Menus, Pointers)
- Command Line
- Menu Driven
- Utility Software
- Anti-virus
- Software to help detect and isolate dangerous or
malacious programs (viruses, trojans, worms)
- Defragmentation
- Software that is used to organise and clean up files
that have been fragmented across a system
- Firewall
- Software that stops any unwanted connections entering
or leaving a netowrk or computer system
- Disk Formatter
- Software that allows you to format disk drives to
remove, maintain programs
- Types of software
- Bespoke
- Software created especially for a
particular compnay, business or user
- Often used for specialist or expert tasks
- Often expensive
- Off-the-shelf
- Software that comes as
standard. Usually bought in a
shop or downloaded.
- Usually cheap
- Only provides standard features
- Open Source
- Software that is open to
modification, and
- Often free
- User can customise the software
to perform what they want it to.
- Cloud based
- Software that requires an internet connection to use. All
programs are stored and run on the cloud
- Can be free / cost monthly to use more features
- Backed up by service provider