Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Grass & Glass Radio Advert
- Key information
- Company Details
- Name
- Grass and Glass
- Services
- Window Cleaning
- Lawn
- 45 mile radius
- Contact
- Phone number
- Maybe email?
- "Technical" key info
- Time
- 45 seconds
- File format
- MP3
- Deals
- 10% off for new customers
- Special deal if you use both
- Voice and sound effects
- Voice
- Who?
- Grass and glass worker
- Customers
- What?
- Worker
- Talk about the
services and deals
(key info)
- Customer
- Talk about amazing
service and how
he/she recommends
the service
- Sound Effects
- Window
- Lawnmower
- Noise of van
turning up
- Door Knocking
- Sliding Van Door
- Persuasive Techniques
- Ethos
- Authority or credibility
- Grass and glass worker
- Customer reccomending g&g
- Logos
- Logic and reasoning
- Reasons you should use grass and glass
- Pathos
- Emotional Appeal
- People who work long hours
- Elderly people