ICZMs and Managing the Mediterranean


AQA B Geog.
Ella Roberts
Mindmap von Ella Roberts, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ella Roberts
Erstellt von Ella Roberts vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

ICZMs and Managing the Mediterranean
  1. Integrated Coastal Zone Management
    1. Sustainably managing whole coastal area; not just narrow strip where sea meets land
      1. Idea introduced by EU 1996
        1. Aim: protect coastal areas from over-development and environmental damage
          1. Identifies in which coastal areas is being put under pressure
            1. Recommends what should be done to reduce pressures on area
              1. Puts recommendations in place + checks they're working
            2. Mediterranean Coast
              1. Over 20 countries from 3 continents (Europe, Asia, Africa)
                1. Over 300 million; no. doubles during summer moths= influx of tourists
                2. 45,000 km long
                  1. Along coast: 600 cities
                    1. 1,000 + ports, marinas
                      1. 100s of industrial areas
                      2. Popular holiday destination
                        1. Attractive climate= hot, dry summers + mild winters
                          1. Relatively cheap package deals, hotels + restaurants
                            1. Long coast + warm sea temp
                          2. Pressures on the Mediterranean
                            1. Sea pollution from industrial waste + untreated sewage pumped into sea
                              1. Air pollution- industry + transport
                                1. Increased urbanisation as popu. increases
                                  1. Threat of desertification as more underground water used
                                    1. Water shortages= increase in demand + climate change
                                      1. Over-fishing= European Environment Agency- 65% of fish stocks in region outside safe biological limits
                                      2. Managing the Mediterranean
                                        1. The Blue Plan
                                          1. "Sustainable future for Mediterranean"
                                            1. Plan's Aim: clean up Mediterranean by 2020
                                            2. Recommednations
                                              1. Make 10% of all coastal areas protected environments (e.g. nature reserves)
                                                1. Reduce building development along coast + introduce protected 'green areas' inbetween
                                                  1. Develop inland tourism -> relieve pressure on coast
                                                    1. Treat all waste water before pumped into sea
                                                      1. Encourage use of water conservation methods
                                                        1. Encourage energy saving measures + development of renewable energy
                                                          1. Introduce stricter rules on pollution
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