Janice's painful knee


Mindmap am Janice's painful knee, erstellt von mohammed mansour am 07/04/2017.
mohammed mansour
Mindmap von mohammed mansour, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
mohammed mansour
Erstellt von mohammed mansour vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Janice's painful knee
  1. Review of knee joint
    1. Ligaments
      1. Articulations
        1. Genicular anastomosis
          1. Bursae
          2. Osteoarthritis
            1. Degenerative chronic joint disease or “wear and tear” arthritis as a result of cartilage loss.
              1. Epidemiology
                1. is the most common type of arthritis & is the cause of disability in 10% of people >60
                2. Causes
                  1. Genes, weight, Injury and overuse, bone & joint disorders.
                  2. Risk factors
                    1. Family history, Age, Gender, Previous Injury, Obesity, Other medical conditions, Lack of activity, and Stress.
                    2. Pathophysiology
                      1. Clinical manifestations
                        1. joint pain, stiffness, locomotor restriction, muscle weakness, poor balance, grating sensation and bone spurs.
                        2. Diagnosis
                          1. Based on history & clinical features Radiography or MRI, Lab tests, ACR & EULAR diagnostic criterias.
                          2. Complications
                            1. Bone death, stress fractures, bleeding, infection, pinched nerve, pseudogout, & cysts formation.
                            2. Prognosis
                              1. Most OA cases do stabilize. Some OA cases progress.
                              2. Treatment
                                1. Pharmacotherapy
                                  1. Glucosamine
                                    1. NSAID's
                                      1. Codeine
                                      2. Physiotherapy
                                        1. Passive: Heat & cold therapies. Active: Exercises & stretches.
                                        2. Surgury
                                          1. Intra-Articular cortisone Injections, Arthroscopy Procedures, Corrective and replacement surgeries.
                                      3. Impact of disability on life
                                        1. Physical disability
                                          1. Limits the ability to move, and do the normal routine activities.
                                          2. Mental disability
                                            1. Anxiety and depression, Loss of freedom, Frustration and anger, Unemployment, Loss of self-esteem.
                                          3. Physical examinations of knee
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