The structure of the L.O.N


GCSE History Mindmap am The structure of the L.O.N, erstellt von David Nuzzo am 08/05/2014.
David Nuzzo
Mindmap von David Nuzzo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
David Nuzzo
Erstellt von David Nuzzo vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The structure of the L.O.N
  1. The Council
    1. 4 Permanent members
      1. Britain
        1. France
          1. Italy
            1. Japan
            2. Dealt with problems when not in assembly
              1. Could put sanctions on offending states
                1. All decisions unanimus
                2. Permanent Court of justice
                  1. Consisted of 15 judges, to represent diff legal systems
                    1. Decided on disputes between countries
                      1. Helped Assembly and Council when needed
                      2. Agencies
                        1. Commissions and special committees
                          1. Set up to carry out lots of the L.O.N's work
                            1. Main work of Disarmament, Slavery etc
                            2. The Assembly
                              1. L.O.N's debating chambre
                                1. Met once a year
                                  1. Each member had 1 vote
                                    1. Decisions unanimous
                                      1. Elected non permanent members
                                      2. The Secreteriat
                                        1. Officials paid by the L.O.N
                                          1. Did all administrative work
                                            1. Prepared reports for Council and Assembly
                                              1. In sections: finance, drugs, health etc
                                                1. Based at L.O.N headquarters, Geneva
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