3o Communication Protocols


A level, A2 IT (Chapter 3) Mindmap am 3o Communication Protocols, erstellt von Gladys Mba am 10/04/2017.
Gladys Mba
Mindmap von Gladys Mba, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Gladys Mba
Erstellt von Gladys Mba vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

3o Communication Protocols
  1. Importance of standards
    1. Rather than devices trying to use their own langues to communicate with other devices that may not understand it, they used a common language called a protocol
      1. E.g. a wireless access point from one manufacturer willl work with the wireless network interface card from another
    2. Protocol: A standard method. E.g. communication protocols are standard methods for communicating electronically.
      1. Transmission control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
        1. Defines how signals are sent across the internet so internet users can communicate with each other.
        2. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
          1. Governs sending of emails so it can be successfully sent to and from different devices
          2. Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
            1. Sets standards of communication for computers directly connected to each other. Mostly used in ASDL connections where the computer needs to connect to an ISP .
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