Zusammenfassung der Ressource
3o Communication
- Importance of standards
- Rather than devices trying to use their own
langues to communicate with other
devices that may not understand it, they
used a common language called a protocol
- E.g. a wireless access point from one
manufacturer willl work with the
wireless network interface card from
- Protocol: A standard method. E.g.
communication protocols are standard
methods for communicating electronically.
- Transmission control Protocol/
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
- Defines how signals are sent across
the internet so internet users can
communicate with each other.
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- Governs sending of emails so it
can be successfully sent to and
from different devices
- Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
- Sets standards of communication for computers
directly connected to each other. Mostly used in
ASDL connections where the computer needs to
connect to an ISP .