Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Kennedy foreign policy
- cold war strategy
- peace Corps
- young people volunteered to work in the
poor areas of the wold teaching English,
improving facilities and providing basic
medical care
- Food for peace
- surplus agricultural
products were given to third
world countries
- Alliance for progress
- programme for Latin America which gave money
for food, medicine and education
- Counter insurgency
- Green Berets were formed
- role was to fight against guerrillas and
in small-scale attacks
- continued to act against countries
that opposed US interests
- Space Programme
- NASA budget was increasd
- Berlin
- Khrushchev met with Kennedy in
Vienna in June 1961 - attempted
to force the issue by issuing an
ultimatum that he had given to
- Kennedy stood firm and insisted there would
be no change to the status of Berlin
- the East Germans threatened to cut off the city
- Kennedy sent 40,000 troops to Europe
- $3.25 billion increase in military spending
- 13th August 1961
- the East Germans sealed off West Berlin
from the East with wire fences
- was replaced by a 30-mile wall with just 4 crossing points
- the wall allowed the East to rebuild its economy
- Kennedy visited Berlin in 1963 but there was little
that the US could do
- Cuba
- background
- 90 miles of the
coast of Florida
- US pressure by cutting
of economic assistance
- turned to the USSR for
economic aid
- Bay of Pigs invasion April 1961
- Kennedy was persuaded by Cuban exiles that
Castro was unpopular
- approved a plan that would involve an army of Cuban exiles
backed by the CIA
- was a failure and was easily defeated by
Castro's forces
- had to allow the Soviets to
supply the Cubans with
defensive military equipment
to 'protect' them from any
future aggression from the USA
- reasons for nuclear missiles on Cuba
- gave the Soviets first strike capability
- Soviets were behind in the arms race
- the USA had Jupiter missiles stationed in Turkey
- events
- August 1962 - US spy plays observed weapons in Cuba
- September 1962 - Khrushchev secretly sent nuclear weapons to Cuba
- 14th October U2 spy planes took a series of photos of Cuba
- 22nd October 1962
- Kennedy chose to blockade Soviet ships
- Khrushchev responded by insisting that they were helping
Cuba defend itself
- 24th October 1962 - Soviet ships heading for
the blockade zone stopped and turned back
- Khrushchev sent a letter to JFK stating
that he would remove the missiles if
the US promise not to invade Cuba
- 2nd message - remove missiles from Turkey
- after US U2 spy plane was shot down Kennedy accepted the first message terms
- 28th October - Soviets removed missiles from Cuba
- Consequences
- June 1963 - a direct hotline was set up between Washington and
Moscow to improve communications
- August 1963 - the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed
by the USA, USSR & the UK - nuclear tests would be
carried underground
- South - East Asia
- the issue of Laos
- the North Vietnamese had never fully withdrawn
from the country
- Negotiations began in Geneva is 1961
- temporary agreement in 1962 was that Laos
would be a neutral country
- North Vietnamese forces were also forced to withdraw
but this did not happen
- Vietnam
- the level of aid increased and US troops were
used to train the ARVN
- did not improve the situation
- the Taylor - Rostow Report November 1961 - called for
better training of the ARVN, strategic bombing &
increased use of US troops
- February 1962 -
MAAG was
renamed Military
- 1962 - US
Diem to adopt a
policy of
hamlets' where
peasants would
be isolated from
the VC
- number of advisors increased to over 9000 by the end of 1962
- importance of the Battle of Ap Bac
- shattered JFK's beliefs that the US
were gaining the upper hand
against the VC
- the assassination of Diem 1963
- 1962 - expelled a number of US
journalists after they had reported on
his defeats
- May 1963 - banned the use of the Buddhist religious flag
- protest from monks & demonstators
- began plotting a coup but the US didn't warn Diem
despite knowing about the plan
- murdered in November 1963