

Mindmap am Vision, erstellt von tanitia.dooley am 12/05/2013.
Mindmap von tanitia.dooley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von tanitia.dooley vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. structure of eye
    1. Fovea centralis- greatest visual acuity point (ability to see detailed fine images): ~7 million cones. Normally the point at which light is focused. Very little rods.
      1. Retina- pigmented retina-single layer of cells, melanin pigment forming a 'black matrix'-absorbs light=increased visual acuity, decreased light scattering because no reflection in the eye/ Sensory retina- respond to light, 120 million ROD & 6-7 million CONES/Relay neurons-amacrine, horizontal, bipolar cells etc
        1. Rod- aschromatic (black & white), slow response to light but respond to low levels, long integration, single quanta 10^8, not in fovea, convegent pathways-Visual field overlap allows different shades of grey
          1. Rod neural connections- one bipolar cell will have the input of numerous rods. One ganglion will have the input from several rod bipolar cells=spatial summation-signal is thus enhanced however a decreased visual acuity.
          2. Cones: chromatic (colour), fast response, short integration, low sensitivity (need lots of light to percieve colour), 10^7, dense in fovea, divergent pathways
            1. Cone neural connections- exhibit little or no convergence on bipolar cells-one cone to one bipolar cells-to one ganglion cell. Reduced sensitivity to light but increased visual acuity
            2. association neurones- ability to modify signals from photoreceptors before reaching the brain.
              1. Horizontal cells-link photoreceptors and bipolar cells, amacrine cells link bipolar cells and ganglionic cells and interplexiform cells link bipolar cells to amacrine and horizontal to bipolar cells (negative feedback)
              2. Rhodopsin- in rods & cone opsin in cones. Cis form binds to opsin light converts it into trans form which doesnt bind opsin. In dark trans form converted back into cis form which binds to opsin- to reestablish dark from light need to break up rhodopsin apart and repackage it (multistage process)-why sometimes get after images.
                1. In the dark- at rest not activated- some Na channels are open, Na entry so releasing glutamate/glycine which binds to its receptor on the bipolar cell=hyperpolarisation.
                  1. In the light, Na channels close=decreased release of glutamate so no hyperpolarisation of bipolar cells-they depolarise=APs. The no. of Na channels closing is proportional to the amount of light. If retinal is completely released from opsin=free retinal is converted back into vit A. When retinal is back in its origional shape it binds back to opsin
                    1. Light and dark adaptation is simply a change in the amount of rhodopsin that is avaliable. Bright light- excess rhodopsin is broken down so there is not as much avaliable to initiate APs. In the dark, increased amounts of rhodopsin avaliable so increased sensitivity to light
            3. Inverted images projected onto retina, visual cortex corrects it (synaptic plasticity)-why some people better visual learners than others.
              1. Differences in luminance
                1. Each ganglion cell respond to stimulation of a circular region of the retina (receptive field)
                  1. On centre ganglionic cell-spot in centre of receptive field turns on centre (G proteins linked metabotropic glutamate receptor)-eg promotes signals. Off centre ganglionic cell-spot in centre of receptive field turns on the surround (glutamate-AMPA receptors)- eg if light shone on centre can be inhibitory. There is an equal number of these ganglia that overlap so changes in luminance are reported to the CNS by increased no. of APs.
                    1. On centre- G protein linked metabotrophic glutamate receptor, closure of cAMP gated Na channels=hypoerpolarising the cell. Off centre-ionotropic AMPA receptors causing the depolarisation of cells when glutamate binds to receptors.
                2. Neuronal pathways
                  1. optic nerve exits the eye travels along the optic foramen and enters the cranial vault (anterior to the pituitary). Optic nerves connect to each other, optic chiasma. Ganglion cell axons from nasal retina cross over through the optic chiasma projecting to the opp side of the brain
                    1. Temporal ganglion cell axons project to the brain on their corresponding side (they dont cross over at optic chiasma) then down optic tracts to either -lateral geniculate nuclei (thalamus up to the cortex) or -superior colliculi (centre for visual reflex and visual association centres)
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