Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Home business
- Use of the internet
- Types of network
- Commercial networks (shops,banks)
- Government networks (parliment,local community)
- Educational networks (schools)
- Private networks (owned by individuals)
- web browsers
- URL (with http:// or https://)
- Google, bing, Yahoo
- Features
- Favourites
- History
- Back button
- Home page
- Print button
- Online shopping
- E-commerce = buying/selling online
- search for products add to 'basket'
- Advantages
- Large variety
- Done from home
(less travel)
- Delivered to House
- Business easily
expand their market
- Business don't
need to buy offices
- Buyers can read reviews
before purchase
- Wide range of goods
benefit rural areas
- Disadvantages
- Long delivery times
- Cannot have a physical
look/feel of goods
- Personal data could be at risk
- Online booking
- tickets to
concerts/plane seats
- input no. of seats
- time + date
- personal details
(name, address)
- Payment details
- Tickets can be
emailed and printed
- Or give a ref
- Advantages
- No double booking
- Fast responce
- Available 24/7
- cheaper online
- entering your own
data = less error
- reviews can be read
- Disadvantages
- Initial cost will be high
- Agencies have less
business = close down
- package holiday firms have
less business = close down
- Some don't have the
to book online
- Have to use