Comparison of Approaches


A level Psychology (Approaches) Mindmap am Comparison of Approaches, erstellt von Hannah Atkinson am 17/04/2017.
Hannah Atkinson
Mindmap von Hannah Atkinson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Hannah Atkinson
Erstellt von Hannah Atkinson vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Comparison of Approaches
  1. Determinism
    1. Behaviourist
      1. external forces in the environment (environmental determinsism)
        1. consequences of behaviour (reinforcement) determine the likelihood of repeating it
        2. Social Learning
          1. observations of models
            1. experience determines our vicarious learning, but free will allows us to choose when to apply what we have learnt
            2. Cognitve
              1. thought processes determine our behaviour
                1. have some degree of control
                2. Biological
                  1. physiological & genetic factors determine our behaviour
                    1. we have no control
                    2. Psychodynamic
                      1. unconscious factors, largely unknown to us & beyond our control
                      2. Humanistic
                        1. free will
                          1. no outside forces our biological predispositions
                        2. Nature & Nurture
                          1. Behaviourist
                            1. nuture
                              1. behaviour is a consequence of our interactions with our environment
                              2. Social Learning
                                1. primarily nurture
                                  1. but capacity to learn through observation has adaptive value therefore innate (nature)
                                  2. Cogntive
                                    1. nature & nurture
                                      1. we all share innate cognitive processes (nature)
                                        1. but can develop irrational thoughts & beliefs as a result of experience (nurture)
                                        2. Biological
                                          1. primarily nature
                                            1. neural & endocrine systems are innate
                                              1. experiences may modify these systems (nurture)
                                              2. Psychodynamic
                                                1. unconscious drives & ego conflicts (nature)
                                                  1. the way we deal with them, which depends on our upbringing (nurture)
                                                  2. Humanistic
                                                    1. drive to self actualise (nature)
                                                      1. conditions of worth (nurture)
                                                    2. Psychology as a science
                                                      1. Behaviourist
                                                        1. yes
                                                          1. highly objective & experimentally based approach
                                                            1. allows for accurate measurement & replication
                                                            2. Social Learning
                                                              1. yes
                                                                1. investigations follow experimental patterns
                                                                  1. allows inferences about cause & effect
                                                                  2. Cognitive
                                                                    1. yes to a degree
                                                                      1. as most propositions can be tested
                                                                      2. but mental processes cannot be directly observed so models are based on a lot of inference
                                                                      3. Biological
                                                                        1. yes
                                                                          1. factors like neurotransmitters can be studied experimentally
                                                                          2. Psychodynamic
                                                                            1. yes & no
                                                                              1. largely depends on case studies & subjective interpretation
                                                                              2. Humanistic
                                                                                1. mainly no
                                                                                  1. argues scientific research methods are unsuitable for studying complex human experiences
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