Which of the following was the more important in developing Italian nationalism?


A level History (Italian Unification) Mindmap am Which of the following was the more important in developing Italian nationalism?, erstellt von kemi fadahunsi am 17/04/2017.
kemi fadahunsi
Mindmap von kemi fadahunsi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
kemi fadahunsi
Erstellt von kemi fadahunsi vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Which of the following was the more important in developing Italian nationalism?
  1. French domination 1796-1815
    1. - Carbonari developed under French rule.


      • 60,000 Members Despite varying aims, all desired Italian Unification Too secretive, localised to be effective in early years. 
      1. - Increase in Nationalism


        • Intellectuals became fascinated with Italian culture and history. Philosphers were defining a unified nation as that which has a shared language, Italy practically had this (varying dialects).
        1. Two Chamber Rep Government - Middle class men
        2. Peasants largely apathetic - remained indifferent to nationalist sentiments


          • Many peasants became vagrants/bandits. Uninvolved in new government. Feudal Laws abolished, but no social mobility, so class hierarchy remained unchanged. Many peasants resented French rule.
          1. Nationalists sidelined peasantry.
        3. Restored Monarchies 1815-1848
          1. - Many reactionary governments - detested by the people
            1. Helped trigger off revolts?
              1. 1848 had aim to rid of Austrian rule!
                1. Roman Republic and Mazzini.


                  • Desired Rome, Piedmont, Florence and Venice to work together to end Austrian rule in Italy.
            2. Naples and Sicily desired to seperate
              1. 1820&1831 revolts separatist aims.
                1. Mazzini's Roman Republic failed. (Closest thing to uniting states)
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