Zusammenfassung der Ressource
A Christmas Carol
(Key Quotes)
- 'Mankind is my business' -
Marley (Should be Scrooges
and everyone elses too)
- 'I will honour Christmas in my heart and,
and try to keepit all the year' - Scrooge
(Willing to change, become better person)
- 'Quite alone in this world' - Belle's
husband (Scrooge is lonely, has no one)
- 'I made it link by link' - Marley
(Each link a bad deed)
- 'Tight-fisted hand at
the grindstone' -
- 'Solitary child, neglected by his friends' - Ghost
of Christmas Past (Does same to other people)
- 'I am not the man I was'
- Scrooge (Changing)
- 'His offences carry their own
punishment' - Fred (Scrooge
will be punished for his ways)
- 'Hard and sharp as flint' -
(Difficult to get inside,
hurts others)
- 'Squeezing, wrenching,
grasping, scraping, clutching' -
(Verbs,obsessed with money)
- 'If these shadows remain unaltered by the
Future, the child will die' - Ghost of
Christmas Present (If Scrooge doesn't change
his ways those less fortunate will die)
- 'Decrease the surplus population' -
Scrooge (Uncaring about less fortunate)
- 'Profit us when he's dead' -
Charwoman (Won't be missed,
only wanted for money)
- 'I wear the chain I forged in life' - Marley (Held
back from being happy, made own destiny)
- 'This boy is Ignorance. This girl is
Want. Beware them both' - Ghost of
Christmas Present (Society chooses to
ignore problems, people want more
than they need)
- 'Will you decide what men shall live, what
men shall die?' - Ghost of Christmas
Present (Has power/money to save lives)
- 'Bah! Humbug!' - Scrooge (Attitude
towards Christmas)
- 'No space of regret can make for one life's opportunity
misused' - Marley (Must change now or will regret it later)
- 'Scrooge was better than his word'
- (Kept promise, changed person)
- 'Nothing!' -
Scrooge (Not
willing to give
to charity)
- 'Solitary as an oyster' - (Lonely,
hard shell, good inside)
- 'God bless us, everyone!' -
Tiny Tim (Poor yet selfless)
- 'Are there no prisons?' -
Scrooge (Poor people aren't
- 'Poor excuse to pick a man's
pocket' - Scrooge (Doesn't give
to others, all about money)
- 'Can't afford to make idle
people merry' - Scrooge (Can
afford it, chooses no to)
- 'Good afternoon' -
Scrooge (Dismissive, rude)