Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Desktop publishing
- Benefits of DTP
- High quality, pro looking
publications that have
impact can be created
- Templates
- Easy to edit
publication layout
- display shows what will be printed
- Consistency of style
- Ready made colour schemes
- Complex layouts possible
- Word processing software
- document that can
be attached to
emails or printed
- Features
- Page layout (margins,
size, orientation etc)
- Changeable text fonts/size
- Justification (text aligned left/right)
- Tabulation (List of data put in
tables to be more readable)
- Headers/footers
- Templates
- Spellcheck/thesaurus
- Problems
- incorrect word may be valid
anyway (i.e witch and which)
- US/UK have different spelling
of some words (colour/color)
- Names and surnames
marked incorrect as they
aren't in the dictionary
- Mail merge
- Borders
- Graphics = images can be
- File formats
- Word
- text
- image
- spreadsheet
- comma-separated variable
- Rich text format
- Database
- .mdb
- .rtf
- .csv
- .xls / .xlsx
- .jpg / .png
- .txt
- .doc / .docx
- Watermarks
- Placed on master page and appear
behind every page of the document