Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Aim
- What the researcher is trying to find out
- Hypotheses
- Experimental hypothesis
- The manipulation of IV will change DV significatnly
- Null hypothesis
- The manipulation of IV wont change DV
other factors will if any change
- Directional hypothesis
- Predicts the direction of results
- Non directional hypothesis
- Some change but not sure which way
- Pilot studies
- Practise investigation
- Allows procedural improvements
- Improve overall quality of investigation
- Avoids time and effort being wasted
- Demand characteristics
- Influence and bias results so not valid
- stuff you effect
- Try to give desired results
- act unnaturally out of nervousness
- Social desirability bias
- Operationalising the variables
- Putting variables in a situation where they can be easily/accurately measured