Zusammenfassung der Ressource
religion and science
- "Questions of meaning and justice cannot be removed from the human agenda"- John Polkinghorne
- "They're not meant to be literally true... the people who wrote genesis were not stupid"- Keith Ward
- Key issues of religion and science; Is it possible
to accept the findings of modern science? Do the
findings of scientists undermine the case for
belief in God?
- Science= How
Religion= Why
- Creationism
- the universe and living organisms originate
from specific acts of divine creation, rather
than by natural processes such as evolution
- Associated with christian fundamentalist movements insisting on
literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative, opposed
human evolution.
- 1960s creationists promoted the
teaching of 'scientific creationism'-
'creation science'.
- Term first used by Darwin in 1856
- Challenges posed by
science to religious
- contradicts with
literal interpretation
of bible
- image of God not
- religion has a lack of
evidence- unreliable
- Dawkins- an excuse not to investigate
rationally, Genesis is a 'fairytale'
- Irenaeus- said the world was originally created imperfect
- Genesis to evolution relationship
- evolution decentres humanity as the most
important part of creation
- Genesis humans are the pinnacle of
God's creation (imago dei, stewardship
- evolution says life forms adapt over time
- Genesis- it occurs all at once in 6 days
- Nature keeps process going
through natural selection
- Why is interpretation of the Bible so
- fundamentalists
- word of God- Henry Morris says dangerous to
interpret the bible
- purpose to creation in the Bible
- Liberalists
- Can fill in the gaps science can't
- Message from Genesis
- Imago dei
- Broader picture, Genesis and
evolution seeking different
- Literal interpretation really what was intended?
- "What man of sense could have been a first and a second and a third day of creation, each with a
morning and an evening, before the sun had been created?" - St Gregory of Nyssa, 4th century
church father doubting illogical concepts in genesis
- Tells us of God's nature but isn't literally true
- Stephen Hawking- "What place for a creator?"
- M theory- multiple universes, explanation for something rather than nothing
- Creationists would say an intelligence is needed to create laws of nature in the
first place
- Creation theologians- "nothing comes from nothing" (link to cosmological arg and prime mover)
- Tillich- God is the ground of all being
- Charles Darwin
- everything supposed to have unique place in God's
creation- indoctrinated belief
- Darwin noticed particular marked effect on islands, due to separation of
animals- pattern of relationships
- Fossils- physical evidence
- Challenged the foundations of religious orthodoxy
- Ancient copies of what
he saw around him
- Charles Lyell
- theory of slow action of vast forces leading to gradual change
- Everything was related to one another
- a vastly evolving family tree
- Simple cells to huge complex beings
- Human history only occupied tiny minority of time
- Brutal reality of nature
- Race for survival and the finishing line is reproduction
- Unstoppable force of natural selection
- Gap in Darwin's theory
- never solved how improvements of natural selection were preserved; genes don't blend in reproduction,
copying process sometimes causing mutations. DNA code of four chemicals
- Craig Venter- first to map the human geno, solving the theory gap
- Intelligent design
- defend religious faith against challenges of secular science
- Believes the cosmological and teleological arg have strength
- 1991 Phillip Johnson
- specific parts having functions it is difficult to see how they could have
evolved, since their final form is required for whole complex body to work
- universe and its features are best explained if
intelligent being is accepted
- 1996 Michael Behe
- some aspects of life are irreducible complexity
- E.g. of a household mouse trap.
- e.g. of the eye, even Darwin admitted this was a problem.
- e.g. clotting of the blood,
has to clot just enough to
heal the cut and allow the
other organs to function
- if you took away any part it would not work
at all, system as a whole had to function
- what would be the evolutionary
advantage of just having parts of the
processes? Doesn't fit with Darwin's
natural selection
- 'God of the gaps mentality'
- 'invisible pink unicorn'
- ID postulates un-falsifiable cause