Ahmad Cannot Run


Mindmap am Ahmad Cannot Run, erstellt von meera alblushi am 23/04/2017.
meera  alblushi
Mindmap von meera alblushi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Erstellt von meera alblushi vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Ahmad Cannot Run
  1. Normal Growth Parameters
      1. Physical growth includes attainment of full height and appropriate weight and an increase in size of all organs (except lymphatic tissue, which decreases in size)
        1. Small for gestational age: < 10th percentile
          1. Appropriate for gestational age: 10th to 90th percentile
            1. - Large for gestational age: > 90th percentile.
        2. anatomy of the foot
          1. bone
            1. muscles
            2. possible causes
              1. muscle dystrophy
                1. x-linked
                  1. duchennes muscle dystrophy
                    1. in
                      1. clinical presentation
                        1. gowers sing
                          1. calf muscles pseudohypertrophy
                            1. progression and comlications
                                1. progressive weakness of muscles
                                  1. cardiomyopathies
                                    1. respiratory failure
                                      1. possible effect on CNS
                                        1. DEATH USUALLY OCCURS BY 18- 20
                                  2. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
                                    1. Investigations
                                      1. History taking
                                        1. Genetic test
                                          1. Muscle biopsy
                                        2. Serum CK levels (>1000 U/L)
                                          1. Western blot
                                        3. management
                                          1. pallative care
                                            1. gene therapy may be apossible treatment
                                        4. Becker muscle dystrophy
                                          1. Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
                                          2. autosomal dominant
                                            1. Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
                                            2. autosomal recessive
                                              1. Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
                                                1. Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
                                            3. physiology
                                              1. muscle
                                                1. creatine kinase
                                                  1. dystrophin
                                                    1. form the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex
                                                  2. gait
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