Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Multimedia industries
- File storage
- Word document = .doc / .docs
- database = .mdb
- speadsheet = xls / .xlsx
- presentation = .ppt
- text file = .txt
- bitmap graphic = .bmp
- compressed bitmap graphic = .jpg
- web page = .htm / .html
- application = .exe
- Data compression
- Advantages
- making files smaller
- less storage space used
+ easier to transmit over
a network
- Text files
- switching letters
with characters
- characters take up less
space so it compresses
the file size
- Graphics files
- can be easily
compressed by a large
amount as a JPEG or GIF
- Video files
- compare frames
and send the data
about the changes
between them MPEG
- Sound files
- common compression = MP3
- higher bit rate = higher
quality but larger files
- Compressed but
do not lose quality
- ZIP files
- groups of files can
be compressed into
one zip file (.zip)
- Web software
- issues with hosting websites
- security of the website
- Vulnerable to hacking
- firewalls can be used
- speed of response / upload
speed must be good
- regular updates and
reliable info is needed
- Avoid copyrighting
or being offensive
- Internet browsers
- http = normal websites
- https = secure websites
- ftp =transferring files
- file = files on your computer