Flood Hydrographs


A level Geography - Physical Mind Map on Flood Hydrographs, created by Liam Cooney on 24/04/2017.
Mindmap von L C, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von L C vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Flood Hydrographs
  1. 'Flashy' Hydrograph
    1. Responds quickly to rainfall
      1. Steep rising and falling limbs
        1. High peak discharge
          1. Recorded over a 26 hour period
            1. Short lag time
            2. 'Non-Flashy' Hydrograph
              1. Responds slowly to rainfall
                1. Gentle rising and falling limbs
                  1. Low peak discharge
                    1. Recorded over a 4 day period
                      1. Long lag time
                      2. Keywords
                        1. Falling Limb - The period of time when the rivers discharge is falling
                          1. Rising Limb - The period of rising river discharge following a period of rainfall
                            1. Peak Discharge - The time of maximum discharge by the river
                              1. Normal Flow - The base flow of a river
                                1. Peak rainfall - the hour of greatest rainfall during a storm
                                  1. Lag Time - The period of time between peak rainfall and peak discharge
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