

How did the Bolsheviks establish the new Communist state? What were the problems facing Lenin when establishing this new Bolsheik state? How did he overcome these problems?
Abbey Carter
Mindmap von Abbey Carter, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Abbey Carter
Erstellt von Abbey Carter vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Problems facing Lenin
    1. Many soviets joined in the revolution
      1. However, many peasants/revolutionaries supported the Socialist Revolutionaries
        1. Not all soviets supported the Bolsheviks
        2. The Provisional Government had arranged elections for a new parliament (Constituent Assembly)
          1. Socialist Revolutionaries were likely to win more votes
            1. If so, the Bolsheviks would have to give up Sovnarkom to their rivals
              1. Lenin sent in troops to dissolve the Constituent Assembly in one day in January 1918
              2. Lenin had to keep his promises he made in his April Theses otherwise all support would go
              3. November Decrees
                1. Decree on Land
                  1. 220 million hectacres of land taken from the Tsar, nobles, the Church and other landlords.
                    1. Peasants set up comittees to divide the land fairly
                    2. Decree on unemployment insurance
                      1. Employment insurance to be introduced for all workers against injury, illness and unemployment
                      2. Decree on peace
                        1. Make peace immediately with Russia's opponents in the war
                        2. Decree on work
                          1. Eight-hour day, 40 hour week for all industrial workers
                            1. Restrictions on overtime
                              1. Holiday entitilement for workers
                              2. Decree on titles
                                1. All titles and class distictions abolished
                                2. Decree on press
                                  1. All non-Bolshevik newspapers banned
                                3. December Decrees
                                  1. Decree on workers' control
                                    1. All factories placed under the control of elected committees of workers
                                    2. Decree to set up the political police
                                      1. The 'All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-revolution and Sabotage' was formed - became known as the Cheka
                                      2. Decree on political parties
                                        1. Russia's main liberal party, the Constitutional Democratic Party, was banned
                                        2. Decree on banking
                                          1. All banks in Russia came under Sovnarkom's control
                                          2. Decree on marriage
                                            1. Couples permitted to have non-religious weddings
                                              1. Divorce made easier
                                            2. The Cheka
                                              1. Lenin set up the Cheka because he wanted no political opposition or any chances of being overrrun.
                                                1. Felix Dzerhinsky was the leader
                                                  1. Had unlimited power
                                                    1. Had to answer directly to Lenin
                                                      1. Targeted anyone suspected of working for Imperial Russia, families/children of military officers and anyone suspected of not supporting the government
                                                        1. Used the Cheka to remove opposition, shoot army deserters, arrest members of the main political parties (Cadets, Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks) and remove them from politcial activities as well as tokeep himslef safe
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