What new philosophical and scientific ideas emerged from 1625-88?


Mind Map on What new philosophical and scientific ideas emerged from 1625-88?, created by mollyhawatson on 27/04/2017.
Molly Watson
Mindmap von Molly Watson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Molly Watson
Erstellt von Molly Watson vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

What new philosophical and scientific ideas emerged from 1625-88?
  1. philosophy
    1. Thomas Hobbes
      1. Leviathan
        1. defended absolute sovereignity
          1. social contract
            1. people agree to surrender some of their rights to strong ruler in return for protection
          2. John Locke
            1. empiricism
              1. understanding is acquired through experience and observation
              2. liberalism
                1. people born free/equal, have basic human rights (life/liberty/property
                  1. people should overthrow gov if it breaks social contract by undermining these rights
              3. science
                1. Francis Bacon
                  1. founder of scientific method (observation/measurement/experiment)
                    1. replaced superstition/magical thinking w/ scientific rationalism
                    2. ideas applied to philosophy (by Locke) religious toleration/history
                    3. Isaac Newton
                      1. mathematician/astronomer/physicist who discovered gravity
                        1. built on ideas of earlier astronomers Copernicus/Galileo/Kepler
                          1. president of Royal Society 1703-27
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