Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Cold War different ideologies
- England, USA, France (west
side) - capitalism
- capitalism
- privet business
- free elections for the government
- the press can criticise the government
- government does not interfere in religion
- freedoms
- Russia - Soviet Union
(east side) - communism
- communism included
- shared wealth
- factories and property
should be owned by the
state for the people
- government should get
involved in everything
- only communists parts can be chose to rule
- press can't critics government
- no religious beliefs
- this meant no trust between them
- it was compassion to show who's ideology was best
- the ideologies spilt the world into two with an "iron curtain" (Churchill)
- the countries USA,USSR and GB worked together in WW2 but tensions grew and
split them apart after the war